(Minghui.org) Mr. Shi Shaoping, 53, from Beijing, is being monitored by four inmates around the clock, while serving a nine-year term at the Qianjin Prison for practicing Falun Gong.

Mr. Shi Shaoping

Mr. Shi was arrested on November 18, 2019 and later secretly sentenced to nine years in prison. He was first held at the Beijing Second Prison and then transferred to the third division of Qianjin Prison. Because he refused to renounce Falun Gong, the division head Jiang Hao ordered the guards to take him to the strict management team, where he was subjected to intensive physical and mental torture.

When the prison’s ninth division later formed a new training team, the authorities moved all the guards who had been actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners there, as well as practitioners who remained firm in their faith, including Mr. Shi. According to an insider, Mr. Shi is held in a cell by himself and monitored by four inmates around the clock. One of the inmates has a mental illness and often beats him.

Prior to his latest sentencing, Mr. Shi was arrested in 2001 and was sentenced to ten years. The guards at Qianjin Prison selected violent prisoners to monitor and torture him, in order to force him to give up Falun Gong. The inmates often beat and verbally abused Mr. Shi. They also restricted his restroom use for an entire month, during which time he was not given enough time to have a bowel movement.

These inmates opened the window during the winter to expose him to the freezing wind, when he only had a thin layer of clothing. He shivered and his teeth chattered due to the cold. The inmates also deprived Mr. Shi of sleep and forced him to sit on a small stool without moving for nearly 20 hours each day, for years. The muscles in his legs atrophied as a result of the long-term forced sitting. The lack of sleep and enormous mental pressure also took a toll on his health.

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