(Minghui.org) I’m 55 years old. My celestial eye was open when I was a child, and while I was in school, I could see scenes occurring at home.

Before I began practicing Falun Dafa in 2012, I was addicted to mahjong and played whenever I could—I even ignored household chores. I couldn’t relax unless I gambled that day. No one, including my husband and my mother-in-law, could stop me.

I had a bad temper. I was attached to personal gain and used counterfeit money. One time I borrowed my sister’s motorcycle, and while I had it, it was stolen. I was upset when I had to pay her 1,500 yuan, so when I saw an unlocked bike I stole it.

Amazing Changes After I Begin Practicing Falun Dafa

One day in 1997, a relative gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. I didn’t read it due to my limited education, so I missed the opportunity to begin cultivating.

In 2012, I began feeling uncomfortable whenever I played or was near a mahjong table, but I was still obsessed and continued to play. One day when I sat down at the gaming table, my chest felt tight and I started to perspire. My lower back also began hurting, so I went home. I lay in bed, feeling terribly uncomfortable. I couldn’t sleep and started thinking about all the bad things I did. I felt sad and even thought about killing myself.

The sickness lasted for more than a month. One day, I saw a Falun Dafa pamphlet and picked it up. The booklet talked about practitioners’ cultivation stories, including how they changed from being selfish to selfless after practicing Dafa.

I remembered the auspicious phrase a relative told me: “Falun Dafa is good.” As soon as I began reciting the phrase, I felt something spinning in my chest, and then it spun throughout my body including my head, waist, and arms. I felt comfortable and relaxed. “Falun Dafa is so amazing!” I found the book Zhuan Falun my relative gave me, and I began reading it.

I told this miraculous experience to my coworkers and customers the next day. They were all surprised. Right after work, I went to see a relative who practiced Falun Dafa. She was happy, and said it was time for me to begin practicing. She showed me the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises and I read the book with her.

When I did the exercise Falun Standing Stance, I felt a Falun rotating inside my body. Once when I meditated, I floated to the ceiling. During one exercise session, I saw dragons, unicorns, and other beings in other dimensions. I also saw a big eye staring at me, as Master described in Zhuan Falun. A few days after I began practicing, I became illness-free and felt light.

I followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in my daily life. I let go of my attachment to mahjong and declined all invitations to play.

I encountered several traffic accidents but I wasn’t harmed. The accidents included being hit by a car, being thrown out of a car, being caught between two cars, and others. I was grateful to Master for his protection.

Taking Care of My Mother-in-law

My husband has two brothers. In 2016, my father-in-law became ill, and my brothers-in-law and their spouses refused to look after him. I took care of him for two years before he died.

Then, my mother-in-law had a stroke (cerebral thrombosis). She was in a vegetative state and needed to be attended to around the clock. She had to be fed through a nasal tube three times a day, she needed a catheter to urinate, and had to be helped when she had a bowel movement. We were unable to find a caregiver who was willing to take the work. My sisters-in-law didn’t want to take care of her, and said that they didn’t even take care of their own mothers.

I held myself to the standards of a cultivator and brought her to my house. I took a leave from work without pay and took care of her for four years until she passed away.

If I were not a practitioner, I would never have been able to do this.

Cultivating Amid Conflicts

My daughter was well-behaved and sensible even as a child. She was admitted to a key university and went on to study at its graduate school. After graduation, she was hired by a state-owned enterprise. She worked in a small town and was later transferred to a larger city.

When she was 27, I began to worry about her getting married, as she didn’t have a boyfriend. She dated several men, but none of them were a good fit for her. She also went on blind dates, but didn’t find anyone she liked.

She met a tall and talented man when she was 30 years old. He was a graduate student at a good university, and had a better job than my daughter. His parents were civil servants and owned three houses. They liked my daughter.

I later learned that this man’s father worked in the 610 Office and his mother worked in a similar department. I felt uneasy and did not support their relationship. However, fellow practitioners said that I should clarify the facts to them if we were destined to become a family.

One day, my daughter was upset when she came home. It turned out that the man’s father found out that I practice Falun Dafa. Although he didn’t object to them continuing their relationship, my daughter felt a lot of pressure and behaved like a different person. She said because I practice Dafa she would never date anyone again if they broke up. Whenever she saw me studying Dafa books or doing the exercises, she tried to convince me to stop. Our relationship became tense.

I felt sad for her. I tried my best to let go of my attachment to her and let things unfold naturally. On the other hand, I was deeply aware that whoever she married was arranged by the divine, and I had nothing to do with it. I gradually let go of my sentiment.

After a while, my daughter told me that she broke up with her boyfriend because she found out that he had a severe anxiety disorder. His family spent a lot of money helping him, but to no avail. He was very emotionally unstable, and was difficult to deal with.

My daughter is doing well now. She has finally met the ideal person and is about to get married. This incident helped me understand the divine arrangement of things and how to handle everything with dignity and righteous thoughts.