(Minghui.org) Two Nantong City, Jiangsu Province residents were recently sentenced to prison for their faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

71-Year-Old Woman Sentenced to Two Years

Ms. He Wei, 71, was arrested after being reported for talking to people about Falun Gong. She was sentenced to two years at an unknown date in 2024. She is currently serving time at the Jiangsu Province Women’s Prison and has been denied all forms of communication with her family, including phone calls and in-person visits. 

Ms. He took up Falun Gong in 1998. Grateful for the health benefits she received, she remained firm in her faith after the persecution started the following year. She used her spare time to raise awareness about the atrocities committed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in persecuting Falun Gong. She was arrested in 2012 by agents from the 610 Office and restrained in a metal chair for four days. The agents also hung her up by the wrists for a long time. She had long-term numbness in her right hand as a result and was unable to hold anything with that hand. 

After a period of detention, Ms. He was given a labor camp term. The guards once stripped her naked and forced her to squat and stand up 30 times. She was once forced to stand for 16 hours straight. The guards also forbade her from talking to others and didn’t give her enough food to eat. 

Torture illustration: hanging up by handcuffs

Once Jailed for 7.5 Years, 77-Year-Old Man Gets Two More Years

Mr. Shan Hanru, 77, was sentenced to two years for seeking the reinstatement of his pension. Details about his latest arrest and sentencing aren’t clear.

Mr. Shan was previously arrested on June 7, 2012 and sentenced to 7.5 years in 2013. The guards at the Wuxi Prison arranged for felons to monitor him. The felons beat and verbally abused him at will. He was forced to sit on a small stool without moving all day long, which caused his buttocks to develop sores that became infected. In addition to the sitting torture, he was also denied restroom use and was starved. Those watching him often threatened to torture him to death. 

When Mr. Shan was released on December 29, 2019, he was devastated to learn that more than half of his pension had been withheld by the authorities since his imprisonment. Having worked at a state-owned enterprise for over 40 years before he retired, he should receive a monthly pension of 5,000 yuan, but now he was only getting 2,100 yuan. He contacted the local authorities to seek justice, only to be arrested and sentenced again.

Related Reports:

Jiangsu Man’s Pension Withheld After Serving 7.5 Years for His Faith

Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Nantong City, Jiangsu Province Unlawfully Sentenced

Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Nantong Illegally Tried