(Minghui.org) Young Dafa practitioners and their parents attended the first Minghui Summer Camp in San Miguel el Alto, Jalisco, in western Mexico. During the four-day camp, they enjoyed many outdoor activities, studied the teachings of Falun Dafa, practiced the exercises, and introduced Falun Dafa to the local community.

Young practitioners practice the exercises and participate in other activities during the first Minghui Summer Camp in San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco.

The weekend camp activities included an outdoor hike and climb to the top of a hill, where the young practitioners did the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts. They also camped near a reservoir, swam, and talked about their cultivation experiences.

The practitioners and their parents demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises in the main square of San Miguel el Alto and handed out informational brochures about the discipline and how its persecuted in China.

Young practitioners from Mexico’s first Minghui camp and their parents demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises in the main square of San Miguel el Alto, Jalisco.

Young practitioners distribute fliers to passers-by. 

The children and adolescents who participated in the camp said they enjoyed doing the exercises and clarifying the truth with other practitioners their age.

Javier, a 9-year-old boy, said, “What I liked most was sending righteous thoughts on the top of the hill and clarifying the truth with my friends.” He said he also enjoyed the hike. 

Lián, who is 8 years old, said the best thing was the truth-clarification activity, and that talking about Falun Dafa and the persecution to the locals made him feel, “very happy, because I was able to tell the truth [about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China] to everyone.” “I feel very fortunate because here [in Mexico] you can practice Falun Dafa,” he said.

Ariel, 9, said what he liked most was, “Going camping, studying the Fa, and clarifying the truth.”

Ian, a 4-year-old little practitioner, said, “What I liked most was camping and [giving] the [Falun Dafa] brochures. I really, really liked it!”

Kai, 5 years old, said demonstrating the exercises and doing the meditation in the central plaza, “was very nice and I concentrated a lot,” she said. She also said handing out Dafa flyers was “very nice, because we are showing [people] what is good.”

Aria, also 5, talked about her experience and said she most enjoyed, “sending forth righteous thoughts [on top of the hill].” 

The truth-clarification activities touched many people in San Miguel el Alto, including a local reporter who interviewed them for her live Sunday program.

Young practitioners being interviewed by a reporter.

Parents’ Appreciation

During the camp, the young practitioners and their parents shared activities with joy and compassion. One mother said that participating in the camp helped her see her attachments reflected in her son’s behavior, because being the youngest in the group, it was difficult for him to keep up with all the activities and concentrate. Even so, her little one was always happy and motivated.

Participants in the Minghui summer camp in San Miguel el Alto, Jalisco

This experience helped the mother realize the importance of bringing what was taught during the camp into her daily life. She said she would focus on balancing work, her participation in truth-clarification projects and being responsible for the care of her family, while being compassionate and tolerant of the people she lives with every day.

The most beneficial thing for the participants, adults, children and young people alike, was when the parents shared their experience of taking their children’s education as priority, and the importance of guiding them correctly in their cultivation.

The practitioners thanked Master for the opportunity to hold this camp for the first time, where everyone could grow in their cultivation and validate Dafa in the community. They also hope that the Minghui camp will be held every year so that more young practitioners and their parents can participate.