(Minghui.org) Luo Ciqin is a retired elementary school principal. In 2004 a teacher enthusiastically suggested that he try Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa), and said that many of his illnesses were resolved after he practiced.

Retired elementary school principal Luo Ciqin began practicing Falun Gong in 2004.

Lou Ciqin thought, “Anything that can benefit the teachers and improve their health can only be good,” so he submitted a proposal to Taiwan’s Education Bureau, proposing to organize a nine-day “Falun Gong Training Camp for Teachers.”

Feeling Refreshed Through Cultivation Practice

The nine-day camp was held in January 2004, after receiving approval from the Education Bureau. Several well-known academics who practiced Falun Gong participated in the camp and talked about their cultivation experiences. The event was a success, and many teachers began practicing.

Mr. Luo also attended a nine-day class, where he watched videotapes of Master’s lectures and learned the exercises. Only then did he realize the main objective of practicing Falun Dafa was not for curing diseases and improving one’s health, but to cultivate one’s mind and body to higher levels according to the profound law of the universe.

In this way, Mr. Luo started practicing Falun Dafa in January 2004.

Mr. Luo studies the Falun Dafa teachings.

Although more than ten years have passed, Mr. Luo clearly remembers how his heart was moved by the beauty of Dafa, and his desire for others to learn more about this amazing practice.

Mr. Luo began going to a practice site every morning to do the exercises. Within six months he felt refreshed and full of stamina. The nerve spasms he used to suffer each time the seasons changed were gone. He used to climb mountains in order to improve his poor circulation and increase his resistance to the cold. After practicing Falun Dafa, he said the exercises were better than his old physical exercise regime and took less time.

Clarifying the Facts

From 2000 to 2008, news about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China drew much attention in Taiwan. Taiwan’s public education system and local leaders came out to support the practitioners’ activities.

Beijing hosted the Olympic Games in 2008. Although peace is enshrined in the Olympic ideals, the Chinese government continued to deny Falun Gong practitioners their human rights and subjected them to harsh persecution. To generate awareness, the “Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong” organized the international “Global Human Rights Torch Relay” that traveled through 150 cities in 35 countries to support a boycott of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The relay started in Athens on August 9, 2007, one year before the start of the Olympic Games.

The Human Rights Torch went through Taiwan, and Mr. Luo served as the representative for Taiwan’s Hsinchu County. Leveraging his status as a school principal, he visited members of the county council and invited them to participate in the event. With his help, Hsinchu County welcomed the Human Rights Torch at the county government square. Some school principals and student representatives also participated in the event and spoke out in support of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

Mr. Luo also arranged for the Hsinchu County government to organize a special Falun Gong seminar. Practitioners from all walks of life were invited to talk about the benefits they experienced after practicing Falun Dafa. Their touching and vivid speeches helped people understand Falun Dafa.

Protection from Master Against Committing Illegal Deeds

School principals face a lot of work pressure and responsibility. They have to deal with urgent matters even during off work hours, including fielding calls from parents or the education bureau.

After practicing Falun Dafa, Mr. Luo became less impatient compared to his peers and he was able to resolve the difficulties he faced at work with ease. During his interactions with colleagues, Mr. Luo made sure to apply the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. From 2004 to his retirement in August 2024, he was rotated to four different schools and was well received at each posting by teachers and students alike. As Mr. Luo got along well with everyone, the atmosphere at each school was harmonious.

There was an incident that made Mr. Luo realize the protection he received from Master.

Mr. Luo frequently had to apply for funding to improve the school’s environment and equipment. But the county government’s limited funds meant the school’s needs could not be met in a timely manner. As a result, it was the norm to accept funding from philanthropic parties who approached the school.

One day, a councilor’s assistant visited Mr. Luo and offered to help the school purchase books. Mr. Luo handed the proposed list of books to his department head to look over. A few days later, the department head informed Mr. Luo that the school was not in need of these books at the moment, so he called the councilor’s assistant to turn down the offer.

Unexpectedly, many school principals and directors who had previously accepted the councilor’s offer to purchase books or equipment were subsequently prosecuted for breach of trust. They had to provide statements to the state prosecutors and were brought before the courts in subsequent hearings. Unable to withstand the mental ordeal, many principals and directors chose to take an early retirement instead.

Mr. Luo credited Master for protecting him from this terrible situation. Although he had no desire for personal gain, he realized that he needed to stop his mindset of cultivating personal relationships with people whom he believed would be beneficial to him in future.

Mr. Luo’s Wife Begins Practicing Falun Dafa

Mr. Luo’s wife, Liu Shufen, is also a Falun Dafa practitioner. Although she observed her husband while he was cultivating and felt Dafa was good, she was not interested in practicing.

Five years later in 2009, Shufen woke up one day and was unable to move her leg. Her husband left earlier to attend his morning exercise session, and she was alone at home. She began panicking but suddenly remembered her husband’s advice, “Saying the nine special words has miraculous effects.” After she recited, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” she was able to move her leg.

After Mr. Luo returned home and heard what happened, he advised her to do the exercises. Shufen started attending morning exercise sessions at the practice site. At first, she suffered from heart palpitations, the recurrence of her previous symptoms, and felt very uncomfortable. Because she hadn’t yet read the teachings, she didn’t realize this was a sign that her body was being purified. Her husband encouraged her and said, “Your condition will soon improve. Master is purifying your body, and this is a good thing. You must not give up.” Shufen’s discomfort disappeared a week later, and she is now illness-free.

The fifth set of exercises requires practitioners to sit cross-legged, but as everyone’s physical fitness is different, some are unable to achieve this immediately. This was the case for Shufen, who cried with joy when she finally managed to sit with one leg crossed for an hour. With this breakthrough, Shufen eventually hopes to meet her goal of sitting cross-legged for an hour.

After she began practicing, her complexion improved and she was in better spirits. However, practitioners should strive to elevate their character. When she meditated one day, Liu Shufen found herself distracted by her son’s loud typing as he worked on his computer next to her. She said, “Mom is practicing, please refrain from making any noise.” Her son replied, “If you had a true state of concentration you wouldn’t be able to hear anything. Why are you complaining about the noise?” After some thought, Shufen realized what he said was true. Her inability to calm her mind was the main reason she was disturbed.

The three years she spent taking care of her granddaughter also helped Shufen refine her character. She taught her granddaughter to recite the poems in Hong Yin and the phrase “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Her granddaughter wished to learn the meditation exercise.

Shufen says Dafa has been beneficial for her body and mind, and she hopes more people will practice.