(Minghui.org) Six Meizhou City, Guangdong Province residents stood trial on September 29, 2024 for their faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Arrested Weeks Apart

Ms. Zeng Xiuqiong, 59, and Ms. Xie Guofen, 62, were arrested at the former’s home on April 17, 2024. The police raided the homes of Ms. Zhang Taofeng, 47, and Ms. Liu Meifen, 43, around the same time. Ms. Zeng, Ms. Xie, and Ms. Zhang were taken to a detention center in Zhuyang Village, Chengdong Town, Meixian District the next day. Ms. Liu wasn’t arrested because she had been diagnosed with cancer.

Ms. Li Lizhen, 64, was arrested in mid-May 2024 and taken to the same detention center.

Ms. Huang Shuzhen, 75, was forced to report to the police on May 7, 2024. After a physical examination indicated she had a systolic blood pressure of 210 mmHg (when a normal range is 120 or lower), she was released on bail.

Tried Jointly

The Meixian District Court held a joint hearing of the six women’s cases on September 29, 2024. Judges Wei Donghua and Li Bing presided over the trial. Two prosecutors (both female) from the Meixian District Procuratorate were present and alleged that the six practitioners broke the law because they often studied the Falun Gong teachings together.

Three of the practitioners pointed out that no law in China criminalizes Falun Gong and that it was their constitutional right to study Falun Gong teachings on their own or together. They also shared their experience of regaining health through practicing Falun Gong. The judges interrupted them several times.

The practitioners also testified against the arresting officers for failing to show their IDs or search warrants during the arrests and home raids.

Four lawyers and a few non-lawyer defenders represented the practitioners. Three of the lawyers entered not-guilty pleas for their respective clients.

One lawyer said that his client never signed her name on the list of confiscated items, but he noted that the list had “Dafa” [note: Falun Gong is also known as Falun Dafa] and “Dafa disciple” written on it. He suspected that prosecutors wrote those words themselves. The latter denied having done so and said a family member of the practitioner signed the list next to “Dafa” and “Dafa disciple.”

The lawyer requested that the family member appear in court to verify whether the signature was her handwriting. The prosecutors did not respond to the request.

Other lawyers refuted the prosecutors’ allegation that their clients broke the law by possessing Falun Gong books. They challenged the prosecutors to present applicable legal basis, and the latter had nothing to show.

The hearing began at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 6 p.m. It is unclear when the judges will make a ruling.

Related Report:

Meizhou City, Guangdong Province: Six Falun Gong Practitioners Face Trial for Their Faith