(Minghui.org) I had been troubled for many years by the state of feeling sleepy when studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts. After reading the article “Enlightenment Gained from a Practitioner Passing Away,” I would like to share some of my experiences in breaking through this state when cultivating.

I’ve noticed quite a few practitioners who experience a similar situation. In facing this problem, some practitioners recognize the need for genuine cultivation, while others seem helpless.

Still, some practitioners, having been in this state for too long, have come to accept it. Particularly when a fellow practitioner reminds someone, “Your palm is not upright when sending righteous thoughts,” the response is often, “I’ve always been like this.” The implication is that for many years, he or she has been this way and it hasn’t affected her ability to do the three things. Even nearby practitioners might say, “That’s just how he is,” brushing off the matter without digging into the root causes, thus accepting it.

We know from the Fa that the parts of ourselves that we have cultivated well are separated by Master, while the old forces take advantage of the parts we have not cultivated well to interfere. The unrefined parts carry karma and are linked to fundamental attachments that have not been discarded. At this point, I want to mention that many practitioners might not have a clear understanding of what Master means by fundamental attachments. They may confuse general attachments with fundamental attachments.

I began to make breakthroughs when I identified my fundamental attachment. It truly felt like a turning point.

I think Master knows that I wanted to improve in cultivation and pointed it out to me. I recalled that I initially decided to practice Dafa because I saw how cultivating in Dafa could keep one youthful. After identifying this fundamental attachment, I strengthened my rejection of those thoughts. I felt much better and saw improvements in various areas. I still occasionally felt drowsy in studying the Fa or couldn’t hold my palm upright when sending forth righteous thoughts. I knew there were still places where I need to break through, so I continued to dig deep within, study the Fa more, memorize the Fa, and strive to do the three things well.

Once, the following Fa came into my mind,

“Because when one’s brain is controlled by the Main Consciousness, the more one uses the brain, the more control the Main Consciousness has, and the less the Assistant Consciousness can step in.” “When one’s Main Consciousness relaxes, the Assistant Consciousness will project what it knows into the brain.” (Zhuan Falun)

I suddenly had a realization: Doesn’t this mean that when I feel sleepy while studying the Fa, it reflects a weakness in my main consciousness? At that moment, the factors that caused me to feel sleepy stepped in—this is precisely the manifestation of a weak main consciousness. I understood that whether it’s being sleepy in Fa study, having trouble sending forth righteous thoughts, or being drowsy during the sitting meditation, it all indicates a weak main consciousness.

When the main consciousness is relaxed, the brain is controlled by other beings.

Thus, I began to memorize the section “Your Main Consciousness Should Dominate” in Zhuan Falun. After reciting it 20 times the first time, I felt a significant difference. When I studied the Fa again, my mind was clearer than ever before; every sentence penetrated my heart and mind clearly, and I was no longer sleepy. I could also calm down when sending forth righteous thoughts, and my meditation improved significantly—these were states I had never experienced before.

Since then, I have persisted in memorizing this paragraph every day for several months, and the results have only gotten better. In the past, I was so “sleepy” that I couldn’t even read Master’s other lectures; I would feel sleepy and could only read a page or two before giving up. Now, I can read dozens of pages at a time. I can sit in the double lotus position to read Zhuan Falun every day, studying two lectures without releasing my legs and without feeling sleepy.

I am truly grateful to Master. It is Master’s compassionate care and reminders that have helped me overcome this significant hurdle that I struggled with for over a decade. I know that Master is always watching over all practitioners, and is constantly concerned about our cultivation improvements. As long as we are determined, Master will find ways to enlighten us and help us elevate.