(Minghui.org) I had just returned home from clarifying the truth to people on the morning of June 20, 2024 when I suddenly felt extreme pain on the left side of my waist. The area felt hot and sweaty and when I looked, I saw six bean-sized pimples. By night, my back also started hurting.

I recalled what Master said,

“The Fa can break all attachments; the Fa can destroy all evil; the Fa can shatter all lies; and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

I focused on studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts. Although the pain lessened, I could not sleep.

I got up at 2:50 a.m. I memorized the Fa and did the exercises at 3:20 a.m. The pain subsided while I did the exercises, but as soon as I finished, it returned. I thought, “This is fake. I don’t acknowledge you. No matter how much it hurts, you can’t stop me from going out to clarify the truth.”

I quickly made breakfast and ate. It started to rain. I thought that since I couldn’t go out to clarify the truth, I’d stay home and continue to read the Fa and send righteous thoughts to get rid of the entities which were creating this fake illness that was interfering with my saving people. It rained all day so I studied the Fa all day, and I sent righteous thoughts every hour. Although the pain eased a bit, the effect was not great. My waist and back were still in intense pain.

After another sleepless night, I went out to clarify the truth and save people with a fellow practitioner after breakfast. The moment I started to clarify the truth, it no longer hurt. The pain returned after I came home.

The pain intensified on the third day, and I could not sit or lie down. I listened to Master’s lectures and sent forth righteous thoughts every hour. I also memorized Master’s Fa about achieving benevolent solutions. Nothing worked and the pain continued. Only then did I remember to examine myself. I must have done something wrong that gave the old forces an excuse to cause this interference.

Identifying My Selfishness

I suddenly remembered that I asked another practitioner to help me get two copies of Zhuan Falun, and I planned to keep one copy. When I looked at them, I noticed the paper in one copy had turned yellow and the words weren’t very clear. When I looked at the other book, the pages were white and the words were clear. I kept the better copy. I forgot that I’m a cultivator and forgot what Master said about not being selfish. I practiced Falun Dafa for more than twenty years, so why did I still have such strong selfishness! I felt so ashamed.

I also heard the other copy was for a non-practitioner. If they got a poor quality book, the person may have negative thoughts about Falun Dafa. I would have caused a loss and spoiled Dafa’s reputation. How big a sin would that be, and how much karma would I have created? I quickly said, “Master, please forgive me! I let you down. From now on, I must study the Fa, cultivate myself well, do the three things, save more people and fulfill my prehistoric vow.”

When I sent righteous thoughts at midnight, I told the entity that was causing my illness symptoms, “The attachments that I haven’t yet eliminated will be managed by my Master. You are not in charge of my cultivation!”

After I sent righteous thoughts, I listened to Master’s lectures again. The pain eased a lot and after a quick nap, it was time to do the exercises. After I did all five exercises, sent righteous thoughts, and quickly ate, I went out with another practitioner to clarify the truth. When I met a coordinating practitioner, I told him about my situation and asked him to ask the other practitioners to send righteous thoughts for me.

I planned to lengthen my Fa study and sending righteous thoughts. However, as the pain eased, I relaxed and the pain continued. On June 25, the coordinating practitioner came to my house with two other practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts and exchange cultivation experiences with me. That helped me to deepen my understanding of the Fa principles and strengthened my confidence in getting rid of the evil with righteous thoughts. I also exposed my selfishness that I was determined to get rid of!

With Master’s benevolent empowerment and the power of practitioners’ strong righteous thoughts, the being that caused the illness symptoms was eliminated. After eight days, I finally managed to overcome this tribulation.

I decided to write about my experience to expose my selfishness and my behavior that was not aligned with the Fa. I want to get rid of them thoroughly! At the same time, I also wish to remind fellow practitioners that no matter what tribulation we meet, we should look within ourselves and identify our attachments. We need to persevere in sending strong righteous thoughts and strengthen our Fa study. This way, the tribulation will pass very quickly.

The above are my personal experiences. As my cultivation level is limited, please kindly correct me if anything I’ve said is not aligned with the Fa.

Thank you Master for your benevolent salvation!

Thank you fellow practitioners for your help!