(Minghui.org) I’m a practitioner who gained a new life because of practicing Falun Dafa. Dafa has taken me out of suffering and brought me the happiness that cultivation offers.

Stuck in Illness Karma Tribulations

I was a senior high school student 27 years ago. At a young age, I suffered from a severe rheumatoid disease and was paralyzed, bedridden for 10 years. During that painful period, I was unable to move. The pain in my bones and joints was unbearable. Even my muscles were as painful as my bones. I felt as if I was living a life worse than death. Every time I turned over, I needed my mother’s help to make it happen.

It was like being tied by an invisible rope and trapped in the house. I had to rely on my mother for everything: eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping. I was in extreme sorrow and distress, with no one helping me to get out of this state. I almost mentally collapsed and wanted to cry, but no tears could wet my eyes. I was suffering in the abyss of despair.

Gaining a New Life

Falun Dafa was introduced to our village in 1997, and a large number of villagers benefited from practicing it. Our assistant of the practice site, whom I called uncle, brought me a copy of Zhuan Falun. I couldn’t get up from the bed, so I just lied down to read it. I came to understand some of Master’s Fa, while thinking that it was truly profound and a heavenly Fa. I pondered where people came from, why they came to the human world, and where people are going back to. The true purpose of one’s coming to this world is to return to one’s original, true self. Through enduring hardships and paying back one’s karma, one is supposed to return to the place where they originally came from.

After I learned the heavenly principles, even though I couldn’t do the exercises, I could read the Fa every day. Master cleansed my body multiple times and pushed out a lot of illness karma from my body. With that, I was feeling more and more comfortable day by day.

A year went by, and my whole body stopped aching. I could turn, sit up, get out of bed, and sit in a chair. Although I wasn’t as healthy as a normal person, the rheumatoid factors in my body were gone. That is, the virus of this disease disappeared. I, a paralyzed patient who had been bedridden for 10 years, finally got a new life. My family and I were ecstatic. Because of my experience, my mother also began to practice Falun Dafa.

Cultivating My Xinxing

Since I began practicing Falun Dafa, I’ve held myself strictly to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I maintained a good relationship with my family, was kind to others, and lived in harmony with the neighbors. No matter what kind of conflicts I ran into, I held myself to Dafa’s principles. I understood that every tribulation that I encountered came down to the karmic debts I owed from previous lives, which was also what I needed to pay for.

A neighbor threw his dead duck into my yard, and it almost hit my sister in the head. I didn’t get angry and was still nice to him. From my actions, he got to witness the beauty of Falun Dafa. When I talked to him about Dafa and the persecution, he was very open to it and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

There was a neighbor who went to my field to cut weeds, and trampled a large area of lush rice seedlings. My mother was distressed and wanted to go to the neighbor to seek justice. Under normal circumstances, if this happened and the village government got involved, the fine would be doubled according to the number of seedlings in the field.

I tried to comfort my mother, saying, “We are practitioners. Master teaches us to be good and extraordinary people, who should be kind to everyone. We shouldn’t fight with others. Instead, we should establish the image of a practitioner, and help people understand that practitioners are good, so they would admire Falun Dafa.” Through my persuasion, she let go of her self-interest and seek a quarrel with the neighbor.

There was an elder in my family whom my father had offended. One day, my father was not at home, and this elder came to my home in a rage. He started to curse my father as soon as he entered the house. I apologized to him on behalf of my father, but he still kept cursing. His curses were particularly unpleasant, but I was not upset with him, and very calm in my heart.

I smiled, and said to him, “Uncle, you can curse. If you are tired of cursing, let’s take a break. If you are hungry, I will make some dumplings for you.” Seeing how kind I was, he left in embarrassment. This conflict was resolved by the compassion bestowed upon me by Dafa.

Persistently Clarifying the Facts to People for the Past 20 Years

I have been in a wheelchair since 2004, going to villages and townships to clarify the facts. It was often sunny when I went out in the morning, but at noon, the wind started to blow. It was very difficult for me to climb up steep slopes against the wind. Sometimes, it took me over 20 minutes to climb up a slope of about 150 feet long, as I had to rest for a while after using my hands to push for about five feet. I had to do it over and over again dozens of times. By the time I got over a slope, I was often exhausted and panting, sweating profusely.

Sometimes, before going out again, I needed to rest for a few days to recover my strength. Many times, at the point where I had difficulty in pushing my wheelchair, I understood that it resulted from my karma, and it was hardship I had to endure. Then every time someone showed up to help push the wheelchair. I knew Master was by my side. I have used a wheelchair to go out to clarify the facts to people for the past 10 years.

I changed to an electric wheelchair in 2014, which was much easier for me to use.

For the past 20 years, I have talked to people face-to-face, so people in my neighborhood all knew me. I ran into all kinds of people. Some laughed at me, some scolded me, and some wanted to report me to the police. When running into those who wanted to report me, I wasn’t scared, but faced them by sending forth righteous thoughts, to eliminate the evil demons and rotten ghosts behind them. I believe that with Master by my side, evil factors can’t move me. Every time, Master resolved the danger for me, so I came out safe and sound.

One time I went to a village to talk to people about Dafa, and ran into an elderly man with his sunglasses on. When I talked to him, he gladly agreed to quit the Communist Youth League. I then gave him an amulet. He told me that he had a stroke, which affected his vision. I told him to recite “Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful”, and try not be upset or become agitated. If he could stay calm, it would be good for his health. Another two people came and asked for amulets.

Three years later, at the entrance of a supermarket in my township, a person bumped into me. I didn’t recognize him at first. It was only when he mentioned that he had a stroke that affected his eyes, that I remembered him. He told me enthusiastically, “After you left, the two people you gave amulets to saw the words on there, and then tossed them away. But I didn’t, as I believe in Falun Dafa.”

I noticed that he didn’t have his sunglasses on. So I asked him, “Did your eyes get better?”

He replied with smile, “Yes they did.” When I asked him how they got better, he said, “They got better because I recited ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!’” I told him to carry on saying the phrases. He nodded cheerfully.

I went to a market in another town, where I met another elderly man, who greeted me enthusiastically. I thought he had mistaken me for someone else. But he said he had not. He recalled, “You went to our village a few months ago. Wasn’t that you who gave me a truth-clarification player?”

Then it finally clicked. About six months ago, I went to their village and helped him quit the CCP. I also gave him a player to have him listen to the facts. I asked him, “Did you listen to the information I gave you? Did it make sense to you?”

He replied, “One day, I was winnowing rice in the yard, and I suddenly felt pain all over my body, as if I had a bad cold. Right then, I recalled that practitioners in my village told me that Dafa is great. So I wanted to give it a try to see if it was good. I turned on the player, then lay down on the bed to listen. Within five minutes, I fell asleep. After waking up from a good sleep, I was sweating all over, and I had recovered from my illness. I no longer felt any pain. Falun Dafa really worked!”

I was happy for him, and asked, “Has your wife joined the CCP and its affiliates?” He told me that she had worn the red scarf before (a scarf worn by those in the Young Pioneers), and could I help her quit.” I replied, “It can only be done if she agrees,” and asked him to check with her first.

I left my contact number with him, and said, “When you call me, for safety reasons, you could just say ‘Agree’ then talk about anything else, since the CCP still persecutes Dafa.” He said he understood.

He called me the next day, saying that his wife agreed. So I helped her to quit.


Master asks us to clarify the facts to save people that have been poisoned by the CCP's lies and propaganda. It is a historic mission that practitioners should accomplish. Master said:

“Dafa disciples are now sentient beings’ only, sole hope for salvation.” (“Righteous Thoughts,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

As a Dafa practitioner, I should pass on this high-virtue Dafa that provides salvation to people, have people stay away from the CCP and ensure their safety. When one person understands the truth, he or she would be saved.

For the past two decades, I’ve continued to clarify the facts. Due to my limited mobility, it is not convenient for me to use a toilet outside when clarifying the truth. I went out for half a day or most of the day every day. When I was hungry, I didn’t eat. When I was thirsty, I didn’t drink water. I’d wait until I got home to satisfy my hunger and thirst. No matter how much hardship I have to endure or how difficult it is, I will continue to talk to people. I will use my kind heart and compassion to save more people who have a predestined relationships with Dafa.