(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from the Republic of Moldova organized activities in the capital city of Chisinau from October 12-14, 2024. They practiced the exercises in three different public locations and told people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of the practice in China since 1999. 

The practitioners chose these dates as they coincided with the Chisinau Days festival, which drew many visitors to the city. They introduced Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to people in some of the city’s most populous locations: Europe Square in Stefan cel Mare Park, in front of the Moldtelecom building, and Eroii Patriei Park. 

Falun Dafa practitioners from Moldova and Romania demonstrate the exercises in Stefan cel Mare Park during Chisinau Days 2024.

Practitioners distribute information about Falun Dafa.

Economist: I Support You

Constantin Voroneanu (middle), an economist.

Constantin Voroneanu told practitioners, “You are doing noble work. What we cultivate is what we become as people. I support your cause and encourage you to continue to speak and promote the truth.”

Many passersby, especially young people, stopped to talk with practitioners and asked about the principles of Falun Dafa, how to practice the exercises, and how to promote them to reach as many people as possible. Some also signed a petition to the Parliament of Moldova to condemn the CCP’s persecution and forced organ harvesting from practitioners in China. 

“Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance are what society needs.”

Nicolae Cornel Zan praises the principles of Falun Dafa.

Nicolae Cornel Zan is retired from the public service sector and knew about Falun Dafa from a similar event held two years ago. In his view, Falun Dafa’s values are the cure for healing society.

“The values of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are what today’s society needs. In general, I would say that they have always been lacking. All of society has been like that. These values are very good for the health of society,” he said.

Nicolae deeply empathizes with those who have defended the truth throughout history by putting the good of the community above their own interests, including Falun Dafa practitioners in China. 

”I am not indifferent to the tortures that a fighter for truth is subjected to. I know what that is. Even those who suffered under the communist regime in our country - when I hear about these things I cry, I cannot remain indifferent, they act on my dignity and my soul,” Nicolae said, expressing his solidarity with practitioners. 

He said that true faith is demonstrated by showing compassion for all suffering beings, and admires that Falun Dafa encourages the practice of compassion as a core value. “I believe that is what faith is: not to be indifferent to those more afflicted than we are,” he said. 

As he departed, Nicolae wished the Chinese practitioners, “Good health, keep going, and increase your ranks.” 

Young People Call for a Return to Falun Dafa’s Values

Florin, Frunze Alexandru, and Maxim (right) support Falun Dafa. 

Florin, a martial arts practitioner and student in the 12th grade, Frunze Alexandru, a student in the 8th grade, and their friend Maxim, a medical student in Orhei, spoke with the practitioners at the Falun Dafa booth and expressed their support for the values of this path.

“The values are very important and it makes me happy that there are still people today who are studying and sending a message to people to do beautiful things. Well done to those who pass the message on about things like these,” Maxim said. 

“I would tell young people to learn as much as they can [about Falun Dafa], because it’s very interesting and important to understand it. But some people don’t understand and don’t want to accept God. God has a specific purpose for each person and something set aside,” said Maxim.

 “Good will win, as always,” Maxim said and encouraged practitioners to continue their efforts.

Sending a message about Falun Dafa while on a bicycle


One Moldovan practitioner is using a novel means to draw the public’s attention to the CCP’s persecution of good people: a display board with information that is pulled by a bicycle throughout the city. In this way, he hopes to help raise awareness more effectively.

 “When I ride my bike, people have time to read the poster. What’s more, when I walk my bike, I have time to hand out flyers. People often read aloud the text on the poster. I’d like practitioners in other countries to see that there is such a way to get information out to people and use this method,” he said. 

Radu, a Romanian practitioner who attended the event, said that more and more Moldovans are paying attention to Falun Dafa and are open to receiving information. “It’s gratifying that information about Falun Dafa and the CCP’s persecution has begun to penetrate the bottlenecks of the communist system and reach people in various ways,” he said.