(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa during the Chinese New Year in 1999. I went to appeal for Falun Dafa on April 25, 1999. I went to Beijing to validate and safeguard the Fa after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999.

I have been persecuted by the CCP many times. Though my relatives know that Falun Dafa teaches people to be kind, they were afraid of the CCP’s atrocities and kept a distance from me. 

People have gradually come to know the truth of the practice and the persecution thanks to practitioners’ efforts. People have come to know the CCP’s evilness and have woken up. Some of my relatives tried to find me by various means and wanted to practice Falun Dafa. 

My Third Uncle with Esophageal Cancer Becomes Illness-Free

My third uncle got seriously ill in early 2005. He came to my city and was accompanied by his eldest son to see a doctor in the hospital. They wanted to stay with me. I immediately realized that they came to learn about Falun Dafa from me. At the time, my neighbor wanted to rent their apartment out, so I secured it for my uncle and cousin to stay at. 

They were happy with the apartment. My uncle smiled and said, “Ok, I’ll go to the hospital during the day and come back to learn Falun Dafa from you in the evening.” It was an amazing connection, indeed. 

My uncle was predestined to practice Falun Dafa. Back in 1998, he passed a park on the way to work every day and saw many people practicing Falun Dafa there. Sometimes he stopped and listened to the practitioners who introduced Falun Dafa to him, so he wanted to learn it. One practitioner gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun. After he read it, he found it was a good book that taught people to be good and to elevate themselves morally. 

The persecution started in July 1999 before he decided to practice Falun Dafa. He saw how the CCP arrested and persecuted practitioners, some to death, and how they searched practitioners’ apartments and burned Falun Dafa books. He was terrified. 

But still, he wrapped the book Zhuan Falun and put it in a safe place. He didn’t want the CCP thugs to destroy such a good book. He brought this book with him this time. It was the earliest version of Zhuan Falun with a blue cover and there was a lotus flower on the back cover. It was still in good condition. 

I told him, “Thank you, uncle, for taking care of the book so well. Your kind deed has resulted in an opportunity to practice Falun Dafa in the future. You must cherish it.” I told him why the CCP was determined to persecute Falun Dafa and what the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was about. I talked to him about Falun Dafa more deeply. He listened to me quietly and kept nodding to show that he understood and agreed. 

I continued, “Uncle, you are a CCP member and bear the mark of the beast. You haven’t quit the CCP, right?” 

He said, “No, can I quit?” 

“Yes, you can. You can use your nickname or an alias to withdraw from the CCP.”

He said, “I didn’t know the CCP was a specter. Nobody told me that. I understand now. Please help me withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations using my real name.”

His son was listening but didn’t say anything at first. Then he said, “Sister, I joined the Youth League and Young Pioneers. Please help me quit. I don’t want the mark of the beast.”

I felt so happy for them because they chose a bright future for themselves. 

My uncle, his son, my parents, and I watched Master’s Guangzhou lecture video that afternoon. We watched one lecture each day after that. They learned how to do the five sets of exercises after we watched the lectures. 

As we watched a lecture that afternoon, my uncle stood up with excitement. He said, “Oh my goodness! A lot of Falun (law wheels) have come out of the TV and were landing on my left shoulder, and entering my body. What’s going on?” 

I said, “It is a good thing. You have a predestined relationship with Falun Dafa. Master is adjusting your body.” 

He asked, “Has Master taken care of me?” He was very excited and watched the video attentively. 

We studied the Fa and practiced the exercises every day. My uncle underwent huge changes in less than a month. When he first arrived, he was ill and looked terrible. But now he has rosy cheeks and is energetic. He speaks with a loud voice and doesn’t look weak at all. 

When he got a checkup, it showed that he was cancer-free. He was so happy. He said, “Before I came here, our local hospital showed that I suffered from esophageal cancer. But within 20 days, Master purified my body. I’ve become a different person. I am illness-free! I never expected this. I am so thankful to Master. I also thank you. I will start cultivation. Master is taking care of me. How lucky I am!”

A month later he was going to return home. He asked me to find a Fa-study group in his local area so that other practitioners could help him if he had questions. I didn’t know any practitioners where he lived, but said, “Don’t worry. We will have a way to find out. Master will take care of us. We need to ask Master to make arrangements for us and ask for His help.” I agreed to accompany him to his hometown in two weeks to find local practitioners. 

He arrived in sadness but left with happiness and a brisk step. He brought 45 Falun Dafa books with him that I gave to him. 

Master’s Law Body Guided Me to Find Practitioners

I went to my uncle’s city by train two weeks later. My uncle and auntie lived with their second son in the compound of the Bank of China. Their second son was the director of the local Bank of China. They welcomed me warmly. 

Their second son was especially warm to me. He said, “Thank you, cousin, for coming here to help my dad practice Falun Dafa.” Previously he was arrogant and barely talked to me even if I was talking to him; it was different this time. He continued, “We all knew that my father’s illness had no cure. We felt helpless, but my father became a different person after he came back. I, as his son, am very thankful to Master. Master has given my dad a second life. I am completely amazed by Falun Dafa. I will support my dad practicing Falun Dafa unconditionally.”

He asked me to help him withdraw from the CCP and to help his daughter quit the Young Pioneers. His wife also said that the whole family agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. 

The following day after breakfast, I rode my scooter with my cousin to a village to look for a practitioner. As we arrived at the village, we saw a thin, tall but kind middle-aged man with a medicine barrel on his back. My cousin recognized him. He was the Falun Dafa practitioner who gave the copy of Zhuan Falun to his father. It was perfect timing. Master must have arranged this for us. 

I stopped my scooter and greeted him, “Brother, I heard that you practiced Falun Dafa before 1999. Are you still practicing?” 

He said, “Yes, it is such a good cultivation way. The persecution was brutal in 1999. I was afraid and hid my Falun Dafa books. I didn’t dare to practice, but I sometimes took out the books to read,” he said helplessly. 

I said, “We are so lucky to practice Falun Dafa. This is an opportunity of a millennia. Brother, you still have the opportunity but you must grab it. You’d better come back to practice Falun Dafa. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss out on it forever.”

He said, “Good, thank you! It must be Master who used you to give me a hint. Master hasn’t given up on me. Thank you, Master! I will start practicing Falun Dafa again from today.” He was excited. 

I asked him if he knew where a particular coordinator was. He said he didn’t know but would come with us to look for him. When we arrived at that village, I parked my scooper near the first intersection. I looked to the north and east, but there was no one there. When I looked to the south, I saw two men standing outside a gate not far away. They looked like they were father and son, and kind. The father waved to us. 

When I saw him, a thought flashed through my mind, “He is the coordinator we are looking for.” We went over. 

He said, “Practitioners, please come inside.” He knew intuitively that we were practitioners. He was the coordinator of the local Falun Dafa Assistance Center. 

I was so moved that my tears came streaming down. We were very grateful that Master took us to the practitioner’s home. It was truly miraculous!

When we went inside, I saw a copy of Minghui Weekly on the table. I told him why we traveled there. He said, “There is a Fa-study site just across the residential area where your uncle lives. It is very close by. There is a coordinator practitioner there.” He contacted them quickly and arranged for my uncle to study the Fa and practice the exercises with them. 

My Auntie Started Practicing Falun Dafa

My fourth auntie wanted to practice Falun Dafa when she learned that her sister and her husband had taken up the practice. 

I remember that she liked to kowtow and burn incense to worship divinities after she got married. Her mother-in-law enshrined animals such as foxes, weasels, ghosts, and snakes. But she didn’t know that wasn’t a good thing to do. I didn’t dare to go to her home when I was small. Even when I went there, I felt scared and my body got cold. 

Once she told my father that strange things happened in her home. Her neighbors knew that her home was not clean and stirred by messy things. She started to doubt that those animals that her mother-in-law enshrined were good. She locked the door and didn’t go back to that home. 

She felt annoyed and talked to her friends. One friend said, “My relatives practice Falun Dafa. I also read the Dafa book once. I remember that the book said that Dafa’s Master can clean out fox, weasel, ghost, and snake possessions.” 

She was very excited and said, “Really? That’s great. My niece practices Falun Dafa. I will call her and ask. I am thinking of practicing something.”

She called me. I said, “If you genuinely want to practice Falun Dafa, Master will help clean your home environment. If you only want your home environment cleaned, Master won’t help you because Master only takes care of practitioners.” 

She said, “I understand now. I genuinely want to practice Falun Dafa.”

I lived some distance away from my auntie. I arrived at her home the next morning with Zhuan Falun and a speaker to play the exercise music. When she opened her gate, I felt a strong gust of cold wind engulf me. I didn’t expect that and almost fell down. I sent forth righteous thoughts immediately. She understood that those messy things were attacking me. 

I cleaned her home and threw away those bad things. She was a bit worried. I said, “You’d better let go of your fear. Going forward you will be a practitioner. Master’s law bodies will protect you. No one will dare to touch you. You should believe in Master now. I will write ‘Falun Dafa is good’ on your wall. It is the Buddha Law. Every word is shining. It is even better if you can repeat them every day. Is that Ok with you?” 

She said, “Yes, of course. When you were saying those words, I had no fear at all. I felt strong.”

I taught her to practice the exercises in the afternoon and gave her a copy of Zhuan Falun and a speaker loaded with the Falun Dafa exercise music. I said, “It is best to study the Fa more, at least one lecture each day. The Fa guides us in our cultivation. I will come back in a month.”

One month later, I went to her home. She said, “I read one lecture of Zhuan Falun every day. I start from the beginning again after I finish reading it. I’ve come to know a lot of principles. I like to read this book. It is a heavenly book. I feel light and walk briskly. I saw a big Buddha in the sky one day when I was crossing the street. A group of small Buddhas were following the big Buddha flying through the sky. It was spectacular. It looked the same as the first program in Shen Yun.”

I said, “You saw such splendid scenes. Master is encouraging you. Please let your friends and relatives know how wonderful Falun Dafa is and clarify the truth to them to save them.” She said that she would try. I clarified the truth to her children and helped them to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. 

I felt good on my way home. My relatives started to practice Falun Dafa one after another and walked on the path to their original home. I will fulfill my mission, save more sentient beings, and follow Master to return to my home.