(Minghui.org) I developed inflammation of the cornea at the end of September, 1994. I tried various treatments to no effect. New blood vessels grew around my cornea, and white spots appeared on the white of my eye. The interior surface of my eye (fundus) became abnormal.

I almost lost vision in my right eye, and I couldn’t see people’s facial features, just the outline of their heads. The director of the ophthalmology department said that I might go blind in my right eye, and suggested I go to a larger hospital.

I was desperate and went to a Falun Dafa practice site to try my luck. I didn’t really believe or not believe in Falun Dafa at the time. I did the exercises and sought treatment at the same time.

I went to Shanghai Ruijin Hospital every week to see a specialist. I tried Chinese medicine, Western medicine, an intravenous drip, and other treatments, but nothing changed.

I was in Shanghai for treatment around mid-July 1995 and brought back piles of Chinese and Western medications. They upset my stomach. I took some in the morning, and after I came back from the practice site, I decided I didn’t want to take it anymore. I also stopped seeing doctors. I thought, “At worst, I’ll lose my eyesight. I’ll just focus on doing the practice and throw away all my medications.”

I went to work every day, participated in group exercises, and read Falun Gong when I had time. When I gave up wanting to heal my eye, a miracle happened and the vision in my right eye gradually improved. The new blood vessels and white spots disappeared. Eventually, my vision returned to normal and I could even see small print.

I got a copy of Zhuan Falun later on, and when I studied the Fa, I saw a fiery red ball spinning. It was as big as a basin, with many spinning srivatsa symbols. I realized Zhuan Falun was a book from heaven and that Falun Dafa was no ordinary qigong practice, but a cultivation practice. It requires its practitioners to cultivate their hearts and do the exercises to transform themselves to become genuine practitioners.

I Survive Multiple Accidents

Master said, “Accounts do have to be settled, though, so it’s possible some dangerous things will take place on your spiritual journey.” (The Third Talk, Zhuan Falun)

I was hit by a motorcycle twice, but my life was never in danger. One time, a young man drove down the hill and hit me and my bicycle from behind. I heard people inside the shop say, “I’m afraid she could be dead. I wonder if she can get up?” After I got up, I noticed my face was scratched and bleeding a bit, and three of my upper front teeth were a little loose, but I was not injured otherwise.

Back in 2012, I was on my bicycle when a small vehicle hit me from behind. My left knee landed first, but no bones were broken and I had no other injuries. I was in my 60s then. Do you think a regular person could have escaped being injured in these accidents?

When facing unexpected dangers, the first thing I thought was, “I’m a practitioner. The other person didn’t hit me on purpose.” I was out of danger when I thought and acted righteously.

Looking back on the tribulations and obstacles I have encountered on my cultivation path, if it were not for Master and Dafa’s protection, I would not have been able to overcome them. Perhaps I could have become disabled, or I could have died and would not be here today. I have no way to repay Master, but I will cultivate with diligence, do the three things well, and go home with Master.