(Minghui.org) My husband and I started handing out Shen Yun promotional materials at the end of 2023. In 2024, our city started to promote Shen Yun in early February, and the time was very tight. We were also involved with the RTC platform which involves making phone calls to clarify the truth and save people in China. Both projects are very important.

Another practitioner drove us around so we could pass out Shen Yun promotional materials. It was very convenient, but he could only drop us off at 11 a.m. or noon, meaning we wouldn’t get home until 7 or 8 p.m. The problem we faced was that we needed to make our calls on the RTC platform in the afternoon due to the time difference. If we passed out Shen Yun information with that practitioner, we couldn’t make phone calls to China. Also, when we got home at around 8 o’clock in the evening, there was very little time left to study the Fa after dinner.

My husband and I discussed what we should do. We spent the morning passing out Shen Yun materials by ourselves. Since we didn’t speak German and could not read the map the coordinator gave us, it was difficult to find our way around. My husband said, “We have Master to take care of us. Promoting Shen Yun and making calls to tell people in China the facts are both saving sentient beings, and both are very important, so let’s just do this now.”

Since there are many hilly roads in our area, it was difficult for us to distribute materials by ourselves. My husband said, “Let’s overcome the difficulties one by one. We will figure it out.” We got up at three o’clock in the morning to wash up and do the exercises.

We reduced our usual two hours of meditation by one hour, so that after doing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts at 6:10, and eating breakfast, we were ready to go at 7:45 to distribute Shen Yun materials.

During winter mornings in Germany, the moon and stars are still in the sky. We recited Master’s Fa,

“...Speaking the truth, I hurry to save peopleThe great path leads all the way to Heaven” (“Awakening,” Hong Yin III)

When we got home in the afternoon, we went to the RTC platform to make phone calls. In the evening, we still had six hours to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts, so nothing was delayed.

After distributing about 700 Shen Yun newspapers in the morning, we rushed home at about noon, fearing that we would miss making calls at 1 p.m. We often ran to the main bus station. Several times the bus was just starting to leave, but the driver saw us running and stopped and signaled for us to get on. We thanked Master. In the winter, we were always able to get home on time, and it was never too late to make phone calls to China. We know that Master arranged all of this, and he is always by our side watching over us.

One day, when we got to the main station to take the bus, we were dumbfounded. The bus we often took was gone. We couldn’t read or speak German, so we had to take another bus that went on a longer route, and we had to make a transfer. We thought it would make us too late to make calls in the afternoon, but we finished passing out materials early that day, and we were not late.

When we got home, we saw a bus going to the main station with a new driver and realized that there was a new schedule. Miraculously, the new route for the bus was shorter, and now it only takes seven minutes from our house to the terminal. I burst into tears and said to my husband, “What is the most important thing right now? The Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings are the most important! This is what Master has arranged for us. Master has changed the bus route to make it easier for us to save sentient beings.”

After this experience, we understood why we finished passing out newspapers so quickly that day: It was Master who helped us so that we would have enough time to get home and make calls on the RTC platform to save people.

As long as our hearts are in the Fa, Master has already paved the way for us and we just need to follow his arrangement. I am grateful for Master’s compassion and salvation!

The above is my personal understanding. If there is anything inappropriate, please be merciful and correct me.
