(Minghui.org) Residents and tourists from around the world take a boat from Harbour Square Park to Centre Island to enjoy walks and picnics and to view the city.

Practitioners set up banners, distributed flyers, and did the exercises at the lakeside dock. They told people about Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) and raised awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 25-year-long persecution.

The following are some recent encounters.

Practitioners went to Harbour Square Park to tell people about Falun Gong and the CCP’s persecution.

Student: This Is What I Am Seeking


When Britannia passed by Harbour Square Park, a practitioner told her about Falun Gong and the CCP’s persecution. Britannia and her mother signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Britannia said that she recently did the exercises with practitioners in the park and said, “It was a great experience. I felt peaceful. I feel that this is what I’ve been looking for.” She also said that she recently moved to Canada and did not know many people. How the practitioners spoke and acted made her feel a sense of belonging, “It was like being with them was telling me: ‘You are welcome to join us.’”

Tourist from the UK Hopes the Persecution Ends Soon

Agnes hopes the persecution ends soon.

Agnes from the UK was about to leave the park when she stopped to read the banner. Agnes said she had heard of Falun Gong: “I understand that you are a peaceful practice group, but the CCP bans your belief.” She said her husband’s teacher once talked about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong in China. “[The CCP] slaughters people and sells their organs. I think that is terrible.”

Agnes said, “The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are very good for people, and will bring peace to the world. I pray for the practitioners who are being persecuted. I hope it ends soon.”

Chinese Visitors Sign the Petition

A group of young Chinese passed by practitioners when they got off the boat. When they saw the banner, one said, “Organ harvesting from living people may be true.” When a practitioner heard them speaking Chinese, he went over to talk to them.

After he told them about the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa and the CCP’s atrocities in the persecution, he asked them to sign postcards calling to stop the persecution. Several of them quickly signed.

One of the young men said, “A few years ago, I posted a few articles online criticizing the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP later sent me an email directing me to delete the articles. When I refused, they told me I would be denied entry into China, that I would be an ‘unwelcome person.’”

He told his friend who was signing the petition, “You signed the petition today, so you might also become an ‘unwelcome person’ according to the CCP.” The friend smiled and said, “That’s great!”

The young man continued went on to say, “I did those things outside of China and became an ‘unwelcome person’ in China. So I can understand the huge price you, as Chinese, pay when you oppose the CCP’s persecution.”