(Minghui.org) I suffered from many different illnesses before practicing Falun Dafa, and always needed medications. My doctor once predicted that I would be sick for the rest of my life. I later heard that Falun Dafa could cure my chronic illness, so I started to learn the exercises with the goal of curing my illness. After practicing for a period of time, my health improved and I experienced how wonderful Falun Dafa is. This was in 1997.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, I was told by the local CCP authorities that I had to stop cultivating in Dafa. But I knew in my heart that Dafa’s Master saved my life and it was Dafa that made me healthy. So, I thought, although I am uneducated, I want to use my precarious power to influence and change people’s wrong understanding of Dafa. Even if I can change only one person, I would be satisfied.

I gradually found some practitioners in my area, and we got together to study the Fa at my home. We discussed how to tell more people about the preciousness of Dafa, and go to further away locations to do so. But we knew we couldn’t always clarify the truth on foot because some places were too far away. My husband, who didn’t practice, stood up and said he would use a tricycle to take us there. This shocked me. But it was also expected, because my husband saw many of my miraculous experiences, which were similar to those experienced by other Dafa practitioners. My husband supported us and let practitioners come to our home to study the Fa.

After that, we studied the Fa together and shared our cultivation experiences during the day. At night, my husband drove us on a tricycle to places where we could distribute truth-clarification brochures. We have now been doing this for a long time. I also met more practitioners, went to many places, and helped many people. My family supported me at all times.

My family’s life has improved over the past 27 years. My children have also become successful, and they bought us a house in the county. After we moved there, those who wanted to persecute me could not find where I lived, but they tried as much as they could to find a way to trick me and my husband. For example, they spoke to my husband under the pretext of doing business with him, but in the end they just wanted to get my new home address. My husband saw through it, and they failed.

They harassed us over the years, but my husband always fought back. I recall one time when my husband asked them why they wanted to persecute Falun Dafa. They said it was because Falun Dafa wanted to overthrow the CCP. My husband said, “Let’s not talk about whether or not Dafa has taken these actions, why can’t the Communist Party be overthrown? Must the Communist Party be right?” These words were also shocking and I still cannot forget them. I admire his thoughts of justice and his courage.

The Chinese New Year of 2024 should have been a happy and harmonious time with all my children back home, but instead I lost my appetite and felt listless. I forced myself to stay awake but my health situation worsened. I couldn’t sleep for nights. I could only walk around in the living room at home and recite the verses for sending forth righteous thoughts. When I was tired, I sat in the living room to meditate. After a long time, I felt dizzy and panicked. After more than ten days, I was exhausted.

I could only ask Master for help, burn incense for Master, and tell Master, “I really don’t know where I went wrong, please help me.” I told Master, “I am not under the control of the old forces. Everything arranged by the old forces is invalid, and there is nothing the old forces can say. I firmly believe that with Master and the Fa, I will definitely be able to overcome this tribulation.” I said this to Master again and again in my heart.

After seeking help from Master, I studied the Fa, did the exercises, meditated, and silently recited the verses for sending righteous thoughts every day. However, the mental and spiritual pressures were still huge. Whenever I felt tired and wanted to rest, I felt as if someone was strangling my neck as soon as I lay down, making me restless. This state lasted for more than two weeks. Then one night I felt that all the evil factors came up. They shouted at me, “You are finished, and this family is finished too.” I felt that this was a critical moment, and I could not be defeated by the evil forces. I strengthened my righteous thoughts, however I was very unsure, and I could only ask Master for help. Then a thought suddenly flashed through my mind: “This is a life-and-death test! I am not afraid!” As soon as I said this, I felt hungry, and those fearful thoughts also disappeared. I went to find some food, and after eating, I slept well. I believe that I passed the test.

Then I couldn’t fall asleep again for an entire night. On the following day I burned incense to Master again and said to him, “Master, only you can save me.” But I was worried that I couldn’t make it, and wondered what I should do.

I told my husband that evening, “My health has not been good since the Chinese New Year, and I have been feeling even worse lately. I want to ask you for something.” My husband asked me what was wrong. I told him about the difficulties I was experiencing. I said, “If anything unexpected happens to me, you must not blame Master. You know that my initial health issues were resolved by Master. The current situation may be a result of karma from my past lives. You have always supported Dafa. You must continue to support it. You must not have any wrong thoughts. Do you think you can do that?”

I sat on the sofa and watched my husband stand up. He turned around and asked me, “Are you scared?” I didn’t answer. He then said, “Don’t be scared. You have been practicing Dafa for so many years. I see that your face has not changed at all. You are still very young. Your gong column has been cultivated to such a high level. You are almost 70 years old, but you are still so young! Your gong power is so profound. Don’t be afraid. Let it go!” I was shocked. I felt that this sentence was not said by him, but by Master through my husband’s mouth! I immediately understood!

I immediately offered incense to Master, “Master, I will definitely let it go. I believe in Master. With Master and the Fa, I will definitely make it through this difficult time!” I talked to Master for a long time that day, and after that I improved.

Thank you, Master, for taking care of me and my family. Without your compassion I would not be who I am today!