(Minghui.org) I have been practicing Falun Dafa for two years. When a fellow practitioner first suggested that I share my cultivation experiences I hesitated. As a beginner, was I qualified to share my experiences? But I quickly banished this thought, since perhaps Master had arranged for the practitioner to suggest this.

Changes in My Environment Brought About by Cultivating Compassion

My cultivation initially focused on the principles of truthfulness and forbearance. I believed that as long as I was truthful and tolerant, I would be able to treat others well. Yet subsequent interactions with my parents and other Dafa practitioners proved that I lacked in the area of compassion. Even kindly pointing out others’ flaws requires compassion, which calls for practitioners to cultivate their speech and pay attention to how they deliver their words. If the other party is not ready to accept or understand, simply telling them the truth can lead to further misunderstandings or rejection of my advice.

I realized I lacked patience and compassion while conversing with my parents, which led to frequent bouts of friction with my father. These difficulties were not due to differences of opinion, but due to the resistance generated by an inner “false self” that conflicted with the cultivation path arranged by Master. I changed my attitude, and instead of rejecting him outright, I tried to listen objectively to my father’s words. To my surprise, my father’s tone gradually became kinder over time. Through this, I realized I had preconceived notions about my family. If I could eliminate all these unwanted influences, I would be able to save more sentient beings.

A fellow practitioner kindly told me I was doing well in the aspects of truthfulness and tolerance but needed to strengthen my cultivation of compassion. Cultivate kindness and developing a heart of compassion, wasn’t this the cultivation path Master had arranged for me? I decided to redouble my efforts in this regard and told my mother (a fellow practitioner). Miraculously, after I resolved to focus on cultivating compassion, the following day my mother noticed that I had improved and expressed her support and encouragement.

Master said,“For a cultivator who is truly determined to cultivate, I would say that it turns out to be a good thing. Without conflicts arising or opportunities to improve your xinxing, you cannot make progress.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

From Master’s teachings, I realized conflicts are opportunities given to practitioners so they can improve their character. I began to examine where I fell short in cultivating compassion. I worked hard to eliminate any preconceived notions while striving to reach a state that was closer to my true self.

Encouragement from A Store Owner

As a new migrant who recently settled in South Korea, my Korean is not fluent, and I lack the confidence to communicate with others for an extended period of time. Since I cannot express myself clearly, I fear being misunderstood. However, a truth clarification experience helped change my mindset.

One day, I visited a store to deliver some truth-clarification materials to the store’s boss. The boss invited me in and even served me a cup of coffee. During our conversation, the boss told me he had previously read our truth-clarification materials and asked if Falun Gong is a kind of qigong. I explained to him the principles and values of Falun Gong and shared the positive impact it had on individuals and society. We conversed for more than an hour as I answered his questions.

When I was about to leave, the boss gave me some words of encouragement. “You spoke coherently despite living in Korea for only a short time. Apart from some inaccurate vocabulary terms, your expression (of Korean) was very good. I had a great time chatting today. Keep it up!”

His encouragement warmed my heart and gave me the confidence to continue communicating with others in Korean.

My Husband Started Practicing Falun Gong

I had injured the second and third metatarsal bones in my left foot in a traffic accident. The fractures were surgically stabilized with steel nails, and subsequently removed without any special rehabilitation. But a side effect remained in the form of a permanent bulge in the sole of my foot. I resigned myself to wearing shoes one size larger on my left foot. I knew this was arranged for me to repay my karmic debts from my past life, so I just accepted it without any grievances.

After moving to Korea, my efforts to study the Fa and improve my character caused the bulge on the sole of my foot to shrink. I used to be unable to walk for more than half an hour. Yet within a year, my second and third toes could move freely, evidence that my qi and blood circulation had vastly improved.

I shared these improvements with my husband, who expressed surprise and asked me how I accomplished it. He only briefly acknowledged my explanation when I told him my injury had been healed by Falun Gong. It was only after personally experiencing a miracle wrought by Falun Gong that my husband began expressing strong interest in the practice. He started silently reciting the phrase, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” daily.

Reading Master’s teachings strengthened my husband’s confidence, and he committed himself to cultivation practice. I passed him more Dafa books, and after reading them, he wholeheartedly agreed with the teachings of Falun Gong and expressed gratitude for Master’s compassion. From this, I realized cultivation could also greatly influence those around me.

Joining the Tian Guo Marching Band

To join the Tian Guo Marching Band and officially perform, aspiring players need to pass an exam. Since I lived far away I chose to learn the cymbals, a simpler instrument to master. I studied at home after obtaining a prerecorded ensemble video from the captain and memorized the music pieces one by one.

After a period of hard work, I successfully passed the exam in June 2023. On our actual performance day, I managed to play all eight music pieces correctly, a greatly encouraging achievement.

I am determined to become a true practitioner, cultivate Falun Dafa diligently, and follow Master home!