(Minghui.org) Practitioners in England, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, Scotland, and Hungary in Europe, wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival: 

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in a Fa study group in England 

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family in London

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Netherlands

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in France

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family in Germany

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Belgium

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Switzerland 

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family of three generations in the Netherlands

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Waist Drum Team in England 

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Scotland 

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Stuttgart, Germany

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Netherlands

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Berlin, Germany

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Austria

Greetings to Master Li from three young adult practitioners in Ireland 

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family of three in Edinburgh 

Greetings to Master Li from an elderly practitioner in Ireland

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in France

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Netherlands

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in the UK

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family in London

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Hungary

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Hungary