(Minghui.org) In this report, we present greetings from practitioners in the Western US. They wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

The well-wishers hail from the following places:

Northern California, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay Area, Fremont, Las Vegas, Hawaii, Los Angeles, California, San Diego, Washington, Idaho, San Francisco South Bay, Seattle, Arizona, Los Angeles NTD and Epoch Times Media Group, Milpitas, California, Sacramento area and other places.

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Northern California 

Greetings to Master from mother and daughter who are practitioners in San Francisco

Greetings to Master from mother and son who are practitioners in Las Vegas

Greetings to Master from practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Hawaii

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family in Hawaii

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Washington 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Idaho 

Greetings to Master from mother and daughter who are practitioners in Los Angeles 

Greetings to Master from supporters of Falun Dafa in Los Angeles

Greetings to Master from practitioners in San Francisco Epoch Times and NTD 

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family in San Diego

Greetings to Master from a practitioner in San Francisco Bay Area

Greetings to Master from mother and daughter who are practitioners in Seattle

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family of 11 in Los Angeles

Greetings to Master from a practitioner in Los Angeles

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Milpitas

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Los Angeles NTD and Epoch Times Media Group 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Sacramento area

Greetings to Master from practitioners in San Ramon Practice Site

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Walnut Creek in California 

Greetings to Master from a practitioner in Las Vegas

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Las Vegas 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Seattle