(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Gong in 2004, shortly after being released from the hospital. I had been diagnosed with cancer nearly ten years before this. I underwent chemotherapy, was often hospitalized, and suffered extreme pain after each course of treatment. The medicines didn’t stop the cancer from spreading, and I felt helpless. I wondered why life had to be so painful, but no one could give me an answer, until I became a practitioner.

While going through many tests and tribulations along my cultivation path, I also became healthy, both physically and mentally. Every time I think about this, I want to cry with joy.

I am grateful to our compassionate Master for enduring so much suffering for me, and I also appreciate the encouragement of other practitioners. In this final stage of Fa-rectification, I will cultivate myself well to fulfill my vow. I will let go of my attachments, do the three things well, and save more predestined sentient beings. I would like to share some of my cultivation stories.

Cultivating Myself to Overcome Family Conflicts

My husband is the eldest of four siblings. He was a very dutiful son and tried to look after his big family as much as he could. To improve his parents’ lives during their retirement years, he asked me to share some of the carer responsibilities, which was beyond my capacity because I was suffering from cancer.

My father-in-law owned a piece of land, and my youngest brother-in-law insisted on selling the land. In order to keep the land, my husband and I took out a loan so we could buy two-thirds of the land. Later, when my youngest brother-in-law was in debt, my father-in-law applied for a loan himself to help pay off his son’s debt. This seemed unfair, and made me feel resentful, and tension began to develop in the family.

One night, I thought about how much I had sacrificed for my husband’s family without receiving any appreciation. I felt so angry that my body started reacting, and my heart started beating fast. I sent forth righteous thoughts, and was soon able to calm down. This was the first time I witnessed the extraordinary power of Dafa.

My resentment later returned, so I looked inward and found my attachments of holding grudges, jealousy, and resentment. I also cared too much about my personal gains when I did things. I thought I had already removed these attachments. One time recently, I felt so unhappy seeing my parents-in-law that I didn’t act like a practitioner. I felt bad afterwards and was determined to dig out the root cause.

I learned fromFa study that I had a karmic relationship with my parents-in-law. I couldn’t truly begin to cultivate until all my karma was paid off. They helped me eliminate my karma and paved the way for my cultivation path.

Clarifying the Truth at a Mountain Tourist Site

Alishan is a famous tourist site in Taiwan that many people visit, including people from China. Although I suffered from motion sickness and was afraid of driving on the mountain road, I still made arrangements to clarify the truth at the tourist site every month. Sometimes I was fine when I got to the top of the mountain, but other times I felt extremely ill. I firmly told myself to keep going up the mountain. After a few times, my fear was gone and the motion sickness disappeared.

One time, a strong typhoon struck the island, causing landslides and several-day closures of the mountain road. I planned to go to the site when the road was reopened. My husband tried to stop me, and other practitioners refused to go, thinking it wasn’t safe, but I was determined to go.

I went by myself on an early bus after the road re-opened. There were no other cars on the road, and when I got to the mountain top, the parking lot was empty. At first I thought that it would be a wasted day, but I immediately realized that my thinking wasn’t righteous and I needed to correct it.

When I walked to the truth-clarifying stand, there were four practitioners from Chiayi City, who had come by car. We shook hands and put up display boards. We encouraged each other, saying that it was the right thing to come. As we were putting up the display boards, a large number of Chinese tourists suddenly poured in from all directions, quickly crowding the site. A tour guide asked me how we knew they would come that day. I smiled and said, “We just knew, and we’ve been waiting for you.”

That day, many Chinese people learned the facts about Falun Gong and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I was very happy that I went to the tourist site that day.

On another occasion, I injured my feet and they hurt when I walked. I wasn’t sure if I should go up the mountain because I had to stand at the truth-clarifying display for several hours. It was a test, but I finally decided to go.

As I was setting up the display boards, two women came over to read them. I immediately helped them quit the CCP. That day, many Chinese tourists quit the CCP. I stood there for several hours without feeling any pain in my feet.

Calling People in China to Tell Them the Facts

Making phone calls to people in China was a big test for me. I felt uneasy, and was scared to do it. For more than a year, I kept paying the phone bill each month, even though I wasn’t making any calls. One day, a practitioner came to our group Fa study site to promote the phone call project. I realized that I needed to make a breakthrough. I have since persisted in making calls every day.

I was afraid in the beginning, and felt relieved if no one answered my call, as I was very reluctant to talk to people. With Master’s help, and encouragement from other practitioners, I have continued with this sacred project. I can now call and talk confidently to anyone, even high-ranking CCP officials.

Truth clarification is also a way to cultivate and remove attachments. When I made calls, I used to have the attachments of desire, competition, and fame. I was very concerned about how many people I would help quit the CCP. When an attachment came up during a phone conversation, I realized it was due to my human notions, and removed it later. Slowly, my mind became purer and the results of the truth clarification improved.

During promotions for Shen Yun, I slacked off with my phone calls for a while. I realized one night that this wasn’t appropriate, and started making phone calls at 9:30 p.m. To my surprise, I spoke to three CCP members who knew the truth and quit the evil party immediately. From then on, I decided not to miss any opportunity to save people in China, and arranged my phone call time around other duties.

I seldom called key people in the past, who were either high-ranking CCP officials or people high up in society. I later realized that helping these key figures understand the truth would be more helpful for practitioners in China in their truth clarification.

I took part in a training session about calling key people. After a few months of training, I gained confidence and mastered more truth-clarifying materials. It was a big step forward in my truth clarification, and I am grateful to all the practitioners who selflessly collected and compiled the materials. I realized the importance of genuinely talking to people from their perspective and having them feel my kindness.

After the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, I knew that I must intensify the phone calling. Many people woke up after learning about the CCP’s cover-up of the pandemic. There were also people who felt helpless about dealing with the pandemic. When I called them, they were happy to learn the facts about Dafa and agreed to quit the CCP.

A female teacher in Beijing said, “I am a Christian. I’ve been deceived by the CCP’s lies since I was a child. But this pandemic finally woke me up to just how evil the CCP is. It concealed the pandemic, causing cases to explode and kill many people. It never admitted its mistakes and instead blamed the United States. Anything that the CCP opposes must be good.”

This teacher had prior misunderstandings about Falun Dafa. In Hong Kong, she once refused to accept Dafa materials from a practitioner. She later felt very sorry about it.

I said, “You are awake to it now. You should take responsibility as soon as possible and tell people around you to also wake up and understand the facts.” She listened quietly and agreed.

One man I called asked me where I was from. When he found out I was from Taiwan, he said sadly that people in Taiwan lived in heaven and those in China were living in hell.

I said, “You shouldn’t be so pessimistic. You know the truth now. You should tell your relatives and friends to quit the CCP as soon as possible. They will be blessed and avoid disasters and plagues.”