(Minghui.org) Beginning in 2018, Master gave me supernormal abilities. I can often see beautiful scenes in other dimensions. The divine world is so wonderful that I cannot describe it in words. It is good, a kind of good that does not exist in the human world.
I am now 69 years old, and I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1999. I had never written an experience-sharing article, so a fellow practitioner helped me to write about some of my cultivation experiences. I think it is important to share one’s cultivation experiences with fellow practitioners.
Assimilating to Dafa Amidst Every Test
Before I began cultivating Dafa, I had a simple mind and felt that life was boring. I looked down on everything in the human world and thought it was meaningless. I had no hobbies.
Three months after I obtained the Fa, which was in 1999, the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Facing the overwhelming lies published in the media, my belief in Falun Dafa did not waver, because Dafa had changed me. Although I was not practicing Falun Dafa to cure illness, I recovered from several of my illnesses. The Fa taught by Master presented a path of cultivation for me, and I understood that cultivating according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and returning to a heavenly world is the true purpose of my life. Cultivation enabled me to step up from living in a boring hut to a palace of happiness.
Because I am introverted, I usually don’t say much, and rarely cause trouble, but conflicts are inevitable. When I encounter a tribulation, I am not tempted to react and I just let it go.
Master’s Fa clearly states:
“...to not hit back when punched and not swear back when sworn at...” (“Teaching the Fa at the Founding Ceremony of the Singaporean Falun Dafa Association,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Vol. I)
This is a minimum requirement for Dafa practitioners. Therefore, I don’t argue with others; I am able to look at everything with an open mind. Thus, any conflict will be resolved. There isn’t anything I can’t resolve.
For example, my sister and brother-in-law came to visit me one year. While we were talking, my husband didn’t like what I said, and he slapped me twice in front of them. I was not angry, but my brother-in-law quickly dragged my husband away. My sister is also a practitioner, so she didn’t say anything. The Fa is the guide that I live by. Since I entered Dafa’s door, I knew I should follow Dafa’s requirements without compromising. Only by doing so will I be a true practitioner. Thus, I passed this test very easily. If I didn’t practice Dafa, and my husband embarrassed me in front of relatives like this, I would not forgive him, especially in front of my brother-in-law. I am the elder sister-in-law, and it would not have been easy to let go of saving face. I definitely would have fought back.
My sister was persecuted by the CCP in 2008 for clarifying the truth. After she was arrested, the police came to my home and asked if I practiced Falun Dafa. With righteous thoughts, I said, “Why shouldn’t I practice?! It’s useless to come here. Don’t come again.” I was not afraid at that time. I felt that the police were merely fellow human beings, and there was nothing to fear. They were doing their job. I was calm in my heart, without any negative thoughts, and I treated them with righteous thoughts. That was more than ten years ago, and the police have never returned.
After so many years of cultivation, the so-called tests and ordeals no longer exist when I conform to the universal characteristic of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Everything has to make way for true Falun Dafa practitioners.
By Never Slacking Off I’ll Have a Safe Journey of Saving People
The coordinator for the practitioners our town came and asked me to set up a family-run materials production site in 2005. At that time, the truth-clarification materials we used to save people in our town were supplied by practitioners who lived in a nearby city. Two of our practitioners got them every week and distributed them to the practitioners here. The coordinator told me that practitioners in the city would provide me with computers and printers. I said I would pay for them. I knew that the computers and printers were donated by fellow practitioners. I thought they should help other practitioners who were not financially well off. I ran a business and made money every day. I would rather spend less buying clothes. I knew I should assume this responsibility to reduce the financial burden on fellow practitioners. This was what I felt I should do.
My mother also practices Falun Dafa, and she helped me with these expenses. My mother never attended school and is illiterate. After she began practicing Falun Dafa at age 70, she miraculously became able to read Zhuan Falun and study the Fa by herself. She firmly believes in Dafa and Master, and strictly follows Master’s Fa principles. She is in excellent health. My sister also helped with the costs. The three of us spent more than 6,000 yuan to buy computers, printers, and CD/DVD burners. After the materials production site was set up, I paid all the operating expenses to produce the materials. Then, after the materials were delivered to our practitioners, I asked them to refund what I spent based on a per unit cost. When I was short of money, my mother would help me.
After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and The Ultimate Goal of Communism were published, practitioners in the county seat drove to our town to meet with us. They discussed how we could cooperate to distribute these truth-clarification materials. I cooperated unconditionally and guided our practitioners to distribute the materials in a number of villages. We distributed hundreds of books each time we went. At that time, truth-clarification materials were spread all over our town.
Every week, I made pamphlets and leaflets for fellow practitioners to give to people to save them. Sometimes, I also went out with them to distribute the materials. While distributing I sent forth righteous thoughts. I had no distracting thoughts or human thoughts; my mind was filled with divine thoughts, so I did not feel afraid at all. My thoughts were straight forward—we were doing this to save people. I regarded myself as a divine being, and it was my enlightened side saving people. With my pure thought, my journey of saving people went smoothly.
One night when we went out I got separated from the other practitioners while distributing the materials. So I just continued distributing the materials by myself. Suddenly, three big dogs came from out of nowhere and blocked my way. I was startled. After I came to my senses, I shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master, help me!” As soon as I finished shouting, the dogs turned around and ran away.
My son graduated from college five years ago and started working, but he was diagnosed with uremia, which is an irreversible condition. He returned home for treatment. I persuaded him to practice Falun Dafa. When my son was young, he practiced with me. But later, as he went on to junior high school, high school, and college, left home, and had lost his cultivation environment, he did not persist in his cultivation. With my persuasion my son resumed cultivation. He was able to seize the time to study the Fa a lot every day, but he still had not let go of his illness, and relied on medical treatment all year round. To facilitate my son’s treatment, we moved to the county seat.
Although I moved a few years ago, my heart did not leave my hometown. While caring for my son, I still produced and provided truth-clarifying materials for 30 practitioners in my hometown. I took the bus to my hometown once a week to deliver the materials I produced. I also went to the weekend market to clarify the truth to people and help them withdraw from the CCP and its youth organizations.
I also clarified the truth in the town where I lived. One day as I was clarifying the truth to a woman, two people on a tricycle came by and knocked me down. I got up by myself. A woman got off the tricycle to check on me, but her husband did not get off. I did not complain about it. I said to them, “I’m fine. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My Master will take care of me. You should remember, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ You can go.” She got back on the tricycle and they left.
The woman I was clarifying the truth to when this happened was still there. She heard what I said to them and was touched. She said, “You Falun Dafa practitioners are excellent. Ordinary people wouldn’t let them go. They would extort money from them.” She immediately quit the CCP. After I got home, I felt pain in the left side of my body, but I didn’t take it seriously. It was healed in two days.
After the Minghui website released the one-hour version of the second exercise, I started getting up every day at 2:50 a.m. to do the exercises for two and a half hours. For the past 20 years of cultivation, I’ve made sure I studied one lecture every day and sent forth righteous thoughts four times daily.
Although I am about to enter my 70s, I am healthy and walk fast. I don’t have the concept of being old. I am not old at all. Our town is remote, far from the town seat. Every time I return to my hometown, I bring a lot of materials and take a long bus ride, but I don’t feel tired.
My mental state is excellent, and I am always cheerful. My fellow practitioners often praise me for my optimism. How can I not be joyful? I am a Dafa practitioner in the Fa-rectification period.
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