(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and have experienced many miraculous events since then. I would like to share with fellow practitioners some of the miracles that occurred to my landlord and me.
Landlady’s Toothache Gone
My landlady experienced a serious toothache one day in 2003. Despite multiple attempts at a cure, her condition did not improve. The toothache left half of her face swollen, which made this once energetic older lady look very pitiful. Seeing her state, I advised her that sincerely reciting “Falun Dafa is good” would help relieve her condition.
Unexpectedly, my landlady bluntly retorted, “You must be bragging! I’ve tried everything, even resorting to folk remedies, but nothing works. Yet you claim just reciting a few words can make me better? That’s just wishful thinking!”
Taken aback by her tone, I replied, “I’m not trying to cheat you out of your money. I just noticed how bad your condition is and want to help you. It’s up to you, since it doesn’t matter to me whether you believe my words or not.” My landlady kept quiet and I soon forgot about this incident.
A month later, my landlady happily approached me, “Your suggestion really worked! After I returned home that day my toothache was so bad that I couldn’t sit or lie down. I didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered your words, and thought, “Since there is no other way left, let me try this method. I have nothing to lose anyway.” I started saying, “Falun Dafa’s Master is good! Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Before I knew it, my toothache was gone, and my face was no longer swollen.”
In our morally declining society where bad values are being instilled everywhere by the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as long as a person retains a trace of kindness and remembers “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Master will provide a helping hand. This is the boundless compassion of Dafa’s Master!
Recovering From Hepatitis B After Practicing Falun Dafa
I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, when I was working for a food manufacturing company.
The food industry conducts annual physical examinations for employees, to check if they are physically fit and free from disease. In 1996, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) during my annual physical examination. I visited a specialist hospital in the city for treatment and took a lot of medication. But, as this liver infection is not easy to cure, my diagnosis remained unchanged when I had my physical examination the following year.
I started practicing Falun Dafa in late 1997, and a year later, the evil CCP launched their campaign of persecuting Dafa practitioners. Soon after the persecution began, my work unit was scheduled to take their annual physical examinations. I thought to myself, “I wonder if my hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is gone? If it has, I can use this to show that Falun Dafa is good and expose the evil Party’s lies. If not, it means I have not been diligent in my cultivation and should step up my efforts to cultivate my xinxing.”
The results indicated that I had recovered from the hepatitis B virus infection. I became an example of Falun Dafa’s miraculous ability to cure illnesses and improve health, and I remain grateful to Dafa for giving me a healthy body and mind.
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