Appeal to All Kind-hearted People Worldwide for the beating death of Chen Zi-xiu by Chinese local government officials.

A month ago, Ms. Chen Zi-xiu, a villager from the Xu-jia Small Village of Wei-cheng District, Wei-fang city, Shan-dong Province, was beaten to death by local government officials during an illegal detention of three days because she was a practitioner of Falun Gong.á Her two children, Mr. Zhang Xue-jun (brother) and Ms. Zhang Xue-ling (sister), are willing to sacrifice anything in order to get justice for their mother.á They are still having the body of their mother preserved at great expense.

If you want to show your support, please email to

A photo of Ms. Chen Zi-xiu, taken on February 12 of 2000, 9 days before she was tortured to death.

For detailed information on Ms. Chen Zi-xiu's death from inhumane torture, please visit:

Testimony by a Falun Gong Practitioner from Weifang City

Voice from victem's daughter

Reports of AP & Reuters