(Minghui.org) Last weekend, Falun Gong practitioners all over the world held all kinds of activities to celebrate the 15 th World Falun Dafa Day and the 22 nd anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction.
Practitioners shared with the public how they have benefited from practicing Falun Gong, and many people learned the exercises and had a chance to become familiar with this traditional cultivation practice at these events.
New Zealand
The celebration in downtown Auckland attracted many tourists. An elderly Maori lady watched the exercise demonstration for a long time. She said to the practitioners, “It is great that you bring such beautiful exercises here. I support Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Our Maori people have similar principles. I think that we were Chinese people long ago, too.”
With tears in her eyes, she accepted a paper lotus flower made by a practitioner and learned how to say “Falun Dafa is good” in Chinese.
Celebration in downtown Auckland, New Zealand
Telling people about Falun Gong
Along with many other Canadian cities, the City of Medicine Hat in Alberta issued a proclamation to honor Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and recognize Falun Dafa's positive impacts on mind and body.
Proclamation by the mayor of Medicine Hat in Alberta
Practitioners from Montreal, Ottawa, and Sherbrooke celebrated Falun Dafa Day in Chinatown in Montreal.
The celebration in Montreal's Chinatown
Mr. Zhou, a local practitioner, recently immigrated to Canada from China. He said that the most important thing he has learned from cultivating Falun Gong is what the true meaning of life is. It was a question that haunted Mr. Zhou since he was a little boy.
He realized through cultivation that nothing in life is a coincidence. The goal of life is to return to one's true self through improving one's moral standard.
Mr. Zhou is a businessman. “In China a lot people play tricks on their customers. It seems that you cannot make money if you don't. But as a Falun Gong practitioner, I know that it is wrong. I treat my customers and business partners with honesty and sincerity, and my business gets better and better.”
People sign the petition condemning the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Practitioners from Taoyuan, Taiwan, held their celebration at Cihu Park, a famous tourist spot.
Telling Chinese tourists that Falun Dafa is good.
Dallas, Texas
Practitioners from Dallas, Texas, held group exercises and a free workshop at the Russell Creek Park in Plano.
U.S. Senator John Cornyn and Congresswoman Kay Granger sent congratulatory letters to practitioners and praised their contributions to the community.
Daniela Huerta, an assistant to Congressman Marc Veasey, came to the celebration to convey the congressman's recognition of Falun Gong's positive effects in improving mental and physical health.
Harry LaRosillere, the Mayor of Plano, proclaimed May 10-16, 2014, “World Falun Dafa Week" in Plano.
Daniela Huerta, an assistant to Congressman Marc Veasey, read the congressman's congratulatory letter.
Chicago, Illinois
At Lake Shore Park, practitioners demonstrated the exercises and told the public about Falun Gong.
Ms. Mei, a practitioner recently arrived in the U.S. from China, said, “This is the first time I have ever participated in a Falun Dafa Day event. I am very excited. It is impossible in China. I believe that the group exercises can show people the beauty of Falun Gong. I also want to tell the Chinese people not to be deceived by the communist party's lies about Falun Gong. I cherish this chance.”
Group exercises at Lakeshore Park
Celebrating the 15
World Falun Dafa Day
Indianapolis, Indiana
Group exercises in front of the public library in Indianapolis
Practitioners from Indianapolis handed out Falun Gong materials. An older Chinese gentleman was happy to see them. He accepted the brochures and said, “I support Falun Gong. All the propaganda the communist party puts out is lies. I've also heard about the forced organ harvesting. The Party is really evil. All my family members have quit.”
Related article in Chinese:
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