(Minghui.org) I am a male Dafa practitioner in my late 40s, working in software development in a major city in China. I started practicing Falun Dafa in September 2021. I am deeply honored for the great arrangements of our Master, who guides and offers salvation to those with predestined relationships. With immense joy in my heart, I am the luckiest being in the universe to begin practicing Falun Dafa.

Clarifying the Facts at Work

I began my cultivation journey by watching programs online that were created by North American Dafa practitioners. Gradually, I understood the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and decided to become a Dafa cultivator. Since then, I have been practicing alone, as there are no other practitioners in my area. Through studying the Fa and browsing Minghui.org, I came to understand the importance of doing the three things: studying the Fa, clarifying the truth and sending forth righteous thoughts.

Among these three things that practitioners should do, clarifying the facts is the most challenging for me, as it involves overcoming attachments. I knew that continuous Fa study and diligent practice would help me improve, but I longed for fellow practitioners to guide me.

I used to be introverted, with few close friends or colleagues. Recently, I traveled overseas for work with a co-worker. We ate with and visited clients together. During that time, I became more talkative, perhaps due to Master’s arrangements, and eventually helped her to quit the CCP. To my surprise, she started reading Zhuan Falun.

Stick Warning

Nothing happens by chance in cultivation, and I consider any incidents, like bumping my head, as a “stick warning.” Whenever this occurs, I immediately review my recent thoughts and actions, and the pain lessens right away.

There are many cases of Dafa practitioners being persecuted in China, and I found many experience-sharing articles on how to break through tribulations with righteous thoughts. Sometimes, after reading such articles, I found myself wondering how I would react if I was persecuted. As I delved into these thoughts, I created various scenarios and dialogues in my mind.

While taking a shower one day, I continued to ponder such scenarios and lost track of time. My mind was preoccupied while washing my feet. When I finally lifted my head, I bumped it against the doorknob. The pain immediately reminded me that this was a “stick warning.” My righteous thoughts had disappeared while rehearsing the persecution scenarios. I realized that thinking in such a negative way persistently could actually invite persecution. I was very grateful for Master’s compassionate guidance and protection to give me the “stick warning.”

Pouring Out Dirty Contents

When I just began practicing Falun Dafa, Master helped me eliminate many bad habits, including smoking, drinking alcohol, playing games on my computer and cell phone, and eating raw onions and garlic. So, I transformed into a more positive, energetic person.

During a recent meditation session, I suddenly remembered my past gaming experiences—the teamwork, strategies, and compliments from others. After a while, I finally recognized that these were incorrect thoughts. While thinking about how to eliminate external interference, I considered that these may actually be my past life experiences.

I recalled Master’s teaching:

“For example, if a bottle filled with dirty things is sealed tightly and thrown into water, it will sink all the way to the bottom. You pour out some of its dirty contents. The more you empty the bottle, the higher it will float in the water. If it is emptied entirely, it will float completely to the top.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I realized these thoughts were the filth inside my “bottle” (mind). They were modern distortions that I had allowed to manifest. So, I declared: I don’t want these dirty contents. I want to get rid of them.