People in China Awaken to the Truth
March 1, 2025Terminally Ill Woman Gains a New Lease on Life
Feb. 28, 2025Our Family Is Enveloped in the Light of Falun Dafa
Feb. 24, 2025My Grandson Changed After Watching the Movie “Once We Were Divine”
Feb. 23, 2025A Belligerent Teenager Changes
Feb. 7, 2025Master Protected Me When My Car Crashed
Jan. 26, 2025Sincerely Reciting Dafa's Miraculous Phrases Has a Powerful Impact
Jan. 21, 2025Villagers Begin Doing the Falun Dafa Exercises During the Pandemic
Jan. 3, 2025Family and Friends Support Falun Dafa Upon Seeing My Behavior
Dec. 13, 2024Falun Dafa Rescued Her from the Muddy World
Dec. 4, 2024The Predestined People I Met in a Detention Center
Dec. 3, 2024“Your Faith Is the Better One! Your Faith Is Grand!”
Dec. 2, 2024When a Market Vendor Quit the CCP, Her Facial Spasms Disappeared
Dec. 2, 2024Miracles Happen After My Relatives Turn to Falun Dafa for Help
Nov. 27, 2024CCP History Teacher Changes After Watching NTD Television
Nov. 24, 2024Chinese People Are Waking Up, See the True Nature of the Chinese Communist Party
Nov. 24, 2024Chinese People Are Waking Up, See the True Nature of the Chinese Communist Party
Nov. 22, 2024My Family Members Are Living Example of Falun Dafa's Benefits
Nov. 17, 2024My Husband is Blessed for Supporting Falun Dafa
Nov. 17, 2024Officer Forced to Retire Early for Protecting a Falun Gong Practitioner Makes a Great Fortune
Nov. 15, 2024After Reading Master’s “On Dafa,” I Recovered from My Illness the Next Day
Nov. 9, 2024People Are Awakening and Distancing Themselves From the CCP
Nov. 2, 2024The Judge Acknowledges Falun Dafa During a Court Appeal Hearing
Oct. 31, 2024Those Who Understand the Truth Become Messengers
Oct. 31, 2024Active Duty Military and Veterans Renounce the CCP
Oct. 24, 2024Having Compassion for the Person Who Reported Me to the Police
Oct. 23, 2024Stories of How a Practitioner's Relatives Awaken to the Benefits of Practicing Falun Dafa
Oct. 21, 2024Falun Gong Practitioners’ Kind Words Awaken Police Officers
Oct. 20, 2024A Police Officer Advises a Practitioner to Be Careful Distributing Information About Falun Dafa
Oct. 18, 2024Stories of People Who Support and Protect Falun Dafa Practitioners Amidst the Persecution
Oct. 11, 2024Thank You to Those Who Helped Imprisoned Dafa Practitioners
Oct. 10, 2024Government Official Asks Me to Teach His Mother the Falun Dafa Exercises
Oct. 8, 2024Retired Party Branch Secretary Quits the Communist Party
Oct. 6, 2024People Share Some of Their Stories about Dafa with Me
Sept. 27, 2024I Wanted to Kowtow to Master Immediately
Sept. 26, 2024Mother-in-law Lets It Be Known, “Falun Dafa Is Good!”
Sept. 22, 2024When I Let Go of the Attachment to Profit, More People Learn the Truth
Sept. 18, 2024A Policeman Respects Master and Helps Other Officers Quit the CCP
Sept. 16, 2024Veteran Police Officer Protects Practitioner after Waking up to the Truth
Sept. 16, 2024Kindhearted People Offer to Help Clarify the Truth
Sept. 14, 2024“All Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Good People”
Sept. 14, 2024People in China are Increasingly Aware That Falun Dafa Is Good
Sept. 13, 2024Meeting the Most Vicious Police Officer Again After 10 Years
Sept. 7, 2024Falling into an Abyss, Fortuitously Encountering Falun Dafa
Sept. 3, 2024My Cultivation Journey While Clarifying the Truth and Helping Inmates Quit the CCP
Sept. 3, 2024The Market Vendor Who Embraced the Truth About Falun Dafa Is Blessed
Sept. 1, 2024My Husband Receives Blessings for Being Kind to Falun Dafa Practitioners
Aug. 30, 2024Through Interacting With Practitioners I Saw the Truth About Falun Dafa
Aug. 29, 2024Family Members Blessed by Reciting the Auspicious Phrases
Aug. 25, 2024Non-practitioners Also Oppose the Persecution
Aug. 23, 2024There Really Aren’t Many Teachers Like You
Aug. 23, 2024"Falun Gong’s Master Is Truly Divine!"
Aug. 20, 2024An Elderly Woman Changes Her Opinion of Falun Dafa After 20 Years
Aug. 14, 2024A Man Paralyzed By a Stroke Can Walk and Speak Again
Aug. 9, 2024My Sister Sincerely Recited “Falun Dafa is Good” and Her Liver Tumor Disappeared
Aug. 7, 2024Predestined People Around Me Choose Kindness
Aug. 1, 2024Master Li Put Out a Fire and Saved Our Family
July 28, 2024My Husband and I Were Changed and Blessed By Falun Dafa
July 25, 2024My Behavior Helps People See How Wonderful Falun Dafa Is
July 25, 2024Xiaoxia Overcomes Her Drug Addiction
July 15, 2024Stories about People Benefiting from Learning the Facts and Believing Falun Dafa Is Good
July 13, 2024My Relatives and Friends Who Listened to Falun Dafa Lectures Didn’t Die After All
July 9, 2024Falun Dafa Brought Positive Changes to My Mother-In-Law
July 9, 2024Dafa Saved My Life Twice
July 7, 2024Awakening Kindness in a Detention Center
July 2, 2024Woman Waiting for the Bus Shouts: “Falun Dafa is Wonderful!”
June 25, 2024Encountering Kindness While in Detention
June 24, 2024My Father Recovered from Cancer After Sincerely Reciting “Falun Dafa Is Good”
June 16, 202482-Year-Old Recovers from a Stroke in Twelve Days
June 14, 2024People in China Admire Practitioners’ Truth-clarification Efforts
June 12, 2024A Dying Villager's Health Is Restored
May 22, 2024People Are Blessed After Learning the Truth
May 19, 2024Master Protected My 13-year-old Grandson
May 5, 2024A Village Doctor’s Life Experiences Resolved
May 3, 2024Falun Dafa Gave My Sister a Second Chance at Life
May 2, 2024I Thank Falun Dafa’s Founder for Saving My Son
May 1, 2024Child's Righteous Thoughts Stopped Teacher from Spreading Lies in Class
April 26, 2024My Sister-in-law Recovered from Partial Paralysis in Three Days
April 25, 2024Their Kind Thoughts Emerge After People Understand the Truth
April 22, 2024We Are Our Children’s Sky: Elderly Woman Strives to Help Her Daughter Amidst the Persecution
April 20, 2024Falun Dafa Changes a Mean and Irresponsible Father and Husband
April 19, 2024My Entire Family Benefits Because I Practice Falun Dafa
April 18, 2024A Taxi Driver Exclaims, “Falun Dafa Is Great!”
April 15, 2024Witnessing the Good Fortune of Those Who Supported Falun Dafa
April 14, 2024“These Two Phrases Are Amazing”
April 13, 2024The Man Who Sells Apples
April 6, 2024Amazing Things Happen When One Says Falun Dafa Is Good
April 5, 2024My 91-Year-Old Father Is Blessed for Having Faith in Dafa
April 2, 2024Late Stage Cancer Resolved after Reciting the Auspicious Phrases
March 28, 2024My Brother-in-law Recovered from a Brain Tumor by Saying “Falun Dafa Is Good”
March 24, 2024Coworkers Shouted, “Falun Dafa Is Good!”
March 22, 2024Family Members Blessed by Falun Dafa’s Healing Power
March 18, 2024My Neighbor’s Entire Family Quit the CCP
March 11, 2024Six Stories of Master’s New Article Resonating with People in China
March 10, 2024More and More Police Officers Refuse to Participate in the Persecution of Falun Dafa
March 9, 2024Chinese People Are Awakening
March 7, 2024Saying Falun Dafa Is Good Is Powerful
March 6, 2024Who Is Guilty?
March 1, 2024“Auntie, Could You Teach Us the Falun Gong Exercises?”
Feb. 28, 2024“I Want to Quit the CCP with My Real Name!”
Feb. 28, 2024Master’s New Article Resonates with My Best Friend