Standing Up for Falun Dafa
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Feb. 27, 2025What I Decided to Do About the Recent Attacks on Falun Dafa
Feb. 25, 2025Coordinating With Other Practitioners to Remove Slogans That Slander Falun Dafa
Feb. 25, 2025Precious Memories and a Gift
Feb. 2, 2025My Sister Is Not Afraid to Speak the Truth
Jan. 4, 2025Using Our Divine Side to Stand Up For Dafa
Dec. 31, 2024With Master’s Blessing I’ve Survived to This Day
Dec. 6, 2024Recalling My Brother’s Miraculous Rescue
Nov. 14, 2024Two Hundred Practitioners in a Forced Labor Camp Shouted Together: “We Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”
Oct. 16, 2024The Power of Compassion
Sept. 23, 2024The Extraordinary Impact of a Simple Elderly Woman
Sept. 12, 2024Letting Go of Life and Death to Fulfill My Vow
Aug. 27, 2024The Power of One Sentence
Aug. 12, 2024Validating the Fa and Saving Sentient Beings When Detained and Tried
July 22, 2024Resisting the Persecution with Righteous Thoughts
July 16, 2024Dismantling the Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda
July 10, 2024Validating Dafa in a Special Work Environment
July 1, 2024Recalling Practitioners’ 1998 Petition at the Beijing TV Station
July 1, 2024Encountering Difficulties and Harassment from the Police
June 17, 2024These Children Wish to Help End the Persecution (Part 3)
June 15, 2024Defending Dafa: Participating in the 1998 Beijing Television Station Petition
June 10, 2024Rescuing Fellow Practitioners with Compassion
March 25, 2024Imprisonment for Petitioning Led Me to the Greatest Gift: Falun Dafa
March 14, 2024Remaining Unmoved Despite the Persecution
Feb. 6, 2024Cultivation Tempered Me
Jan. 24, 2024I Am Blessed for Practicing Falun Dafa
Jan. 23, 2024Avoid Human Notions When Hiring Lawyers to Defend Practitioners
Jan. 19, 2024Upholding My Faith and Rescuing People from the CCP's Lies
Dec. 28, 2023“Falun Dafa Is Good!” Echoed Through the Labor Camp
Dec. 15, 2023My Colleagues Protect Falun Dafa Practitioners
Dec. 7, 2023A Former Atheist Overcomes Family Objections and Upholds Falun Dafa
Nov. 21, 2023Changing Notions and Cultivating Righteously
Nov. 10, 2023Cultivating and Maturing While Experiencing Tribulations
Oct. 21, 2023Validating the Goodness of Falun Dafa While I Was in a Detention Center
Oct. 13, 2023Counteracting the Persecution in Prison with Righteous Thoughts
Oct. 1, 2023A Phone Call Stopped Police Harassment
Sept. 23, 2023Falun Dafa Gave Me Wisdom
Sept. 9, 2023Police Officer: “Your Case is Dismissed”
Sept. 6, 2023Raising Awareness to Police in the Domestic Security Division
Sept. 5, 2023Always Remember You are a Cultivator When Facing Tribulations
Aug. 24, 2023Resolving Family Tribulations
Aug. 21, 2023Using the Law to Counteract the Persecution, Maturing in Cultivation
Aug. 8, 2023Upholding My Faith Despite Persecution
July 29, 2023Social Security Office Ordered to Rescind Decision to Claw Back Pension Benefits Already Issued to Falun Gong Practitioner
July 8, 2023Remembering My Father, a Man of Integrity Who Supported Falun Dafa and Stood Up to the Communist Regime
July 2, 2023Letters to Employees of a Detention Center
July 1, 2023Not Giving in to Evil Because the Fa Is in My Heart
June 27, 2023Experiencing the Power of Righteous Thoughts While in Jail
April 28, 2023Maintaining a Fa Study Gathering at My Home for Over Two Decades
April 21, 2023Rescuing Detained Practitioners While Helping Prosecutors to Reject the Persecution and Save Themselves
April 15, 2023Walking Out of Police Station After Over Four Hours in an Interrogation Room
April 5, 2023Police Station Director Attempting to Harass a Practitioner Backs Down When Challenged with the Law
March 23, 2023Waiting for Unconditional Release Through Perseverance in Detention
Feb. 26, 2023Breaking through Human Notions--Eliminating Evil and Saving Sentient Beings
Jan. 21, 2023Prison Guard: “All Falun Gong Practitioners Are Kind”
Jan. 19, 2023Clarifying the Truth About Falun Dafa While Imprisoned
Jan. 10, 2023I Overcame Tribulations by Trusting Master and Dafa
Jan. 8, 2023Blessed for Treating Falun Dafa Practitioners Kindly
Oct. 13, 2022Miracles I Witnessed at Beijing Detention Centers
Sept. 1, 2022My 15-Day Detention Results in 20 People Quitting the CCP
Aug. 27, 2022Treating Police Officers with Kind Thoughts
Aug. 8, 2022Twenty Years Later, a Couple’s Peaceful Protest Continues
Aug. 4, 2022A Former Police Officer’s Understanding of Lawsuits Against Perpetrators
July 16, 2022Resolving Tribulations: Using Righteous Thoughts and Actions
July 7, 2022Bringing Truth and Hope to Criminal Inmates When I Was Detained for My Faith
June 25, 2022Man Wins Respect for Upholding Faith While Imprisoned
June 19, 2022Looking Back on Those Unforgettable Years: I’m So Glad I Did Not Divorce My Wife
May 19, 2022We Must Also Expose the Brutal Torture While Detained for Our Faith
May 13, 2022Police Officer: Don’t Expose Me; I Won’t Come Again
March 17, 2022How My Workplace Went from Firing Me to Protecting Me from Persecution
Feb. 22, 2022Thank You, Master, for Protecting Me
Feb. 17, 2022Falun Dafa Books Returned
Feb. 17, 2022Validating Falun Dafa by Filing a Pension Lawsuit
Jan. 22, 2022Validating Dafa Through My Own Behavior
Jan. 14, 2022Restaurant Owner: “You Are the Best!”
Dec. 20, 2021Local Domestic Security Division Leader Resigns After Practitioners Work Together to Expose His Crimes
Oct. 20, 2021Falun Gong Practitioners Respond to Harassment with Kindness
Oct. 20, 2021How I Reset My Starting Point to Deny the Persecution
Aug. 16, 2021Three Australians Take an Unforgettable Trip to China
Aug. 14, 2021Witnessing a Falun Dafa Practitioner Winning Her Court Case
July 16, 2021Family Members’ Righteous Actions Deter the Police
July 5, 2021Exposing the Evil to Negate the Persecution and Save More People
July 4, 2021Leaving a Detention Center in 37 Days with Righteous Thoughts
July 1, 2021Assuring that the “Zero-Out” Activities Truly Are Being Zeroed Out
June 24, 2021“Zero-Out” Is Arranged by the Old Forces
June 15, 2021Overcoming Interference
June 11, 2021Breaking Through Financial Persecution with Righteous Thoughts
June 6, 2021Practitioner Released Thanks to Overseas Phone Call
June 2, 2021My Income Increased After Refusing to Comply with the Communist Party’s Demands
May 31, 2021[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] My 88-Year-Old Father Tirelessly Raises Awareness about Falun Dafa
May 29, 2021Deny the “Zero Out” Campaign
May 25, 2021[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Mr. Wang Has the Best Part-Time Job
May 15, 2021Taking Legal Actions Against My Employer for Aiding in Zero-Out Campaign
May 11, 2021Seeing Master’s Comments in My Dream
May 5, 2021Zhou Xiangyang – One of the Strongest Believers I Ever Met
May 3, 2021Practitioners and Family Members Stand Up Against the CCP’s “Zero Out” Campaign
May 2, 2021My Understanding on Hiring Attorney to Defend Practitioners
April 26, 2021How I Overcame My Fear to Help Rescue Fellow Practitioners
April 20, 2021Denying the CCP’s “Zero-Out” Campaign With Righteous Thoughts
April 13, 2021Safeguarding Falun Dafa Disciples’ Dignity
April 3, 202167-Year-Old Triathlete Credits Falun Dafa for Her Excellent Health